When configuring your Customer Notifications and a Customer is also added as a Watcher on a Jira Issue as well, no Notification is sent out to that Customer Why is that?
You don't have Jira Notifications enabled for Customers under Settings > Products > Jira Service Management - Configuration
As a Watcher triggers a Jira Notification and a Customer is also a part of a Jira Issue this will trigger sending out a Notification for both Notification Types. Also, if Jira Notifications are enabled for Customers they will receive both Customer and Jira Notifications, however, it will essentially create duplicate event Notifications, one email for internal Users and one email for external Customers. If you want to keep this setting as recommended (turned off), there is an alternative solution available:
Here we are creating an Automation Rule on the Issue Created Trigger, with a re-fetch Issue Data Action (to ensure the Customer Field Values are populated when the Rule executes):
Then we create a Branch Rule Component with a Smart Value of: {{participant}} for the Request Participant field. This then has an advanced compare condition of if: {{issue.Watchers}} contains {{participants.accountId}} to see if the account Id is listed as both a Watcher and Customer on the ticket:
After that, we are creating a Send Web Request Action to get the List of Users account Id
Send an email to the email addresses who were listed as Request Participants and also a Watcher on the Jira Issue. The Web Request URL would be similar to the following as a GET request:
* Web Request URL - https://yoursitename.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/user?accountId={{participant.accountId.urlEncode}}
* Get User Web Request - https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/rest/v3/api-group-users/#api-rest-api-3-user-get
* How to troubleshoot customer notifications in Jira Service Management Cloud - https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/how-to-troubleshoot-customer-notifications-in-jira-service-management-cloud-967343751.html
I hope this helps!
Christian B.
Christian Beaulieu
JSM Support Engineer 3
Phoenix, Arizona
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