You should explicitly note that JIRA Setup only works with SQL-Server User

Akros Informatik July 6, 2016

This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Connecting JIRA applications to SQL Server 2008


it's annoying that this expensive software does not have an automatic script to setup an SQL Server Database.

But it's even worse that you do not explicitly note that using a Domain User during JIRA Setup will lead in an 'unknown internal exception', so that we must use an SQL Server User to setup JIRA.

Kind regards, Tom

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 6, 2016

But it doesn't.  It works with any user who has the privilege to create a valid database.

A lot of the corporate and government clients would simply not allow an external process the elevated rights required for setting up the database correctly, so there's no need for a "wizard".

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