JIRA REST API getting status 1223

Ric Lambert September 13, 2016


I am trying to update a custom field using the REST API.


json = {"fields": {"customfield_20612": "New"}}
url = https://xxx/jira/rest/api/2/issue/{issueNumber}
Getting back
status = 1223
no response text
Err.Description is 'Operation aborted'


and it all comes to a stop.

Can anyone help?



The call updates the record in JIRA before aborting

VBA code being used
Public Function putToJira(ByVal restUrl As String, ByVal inputJSON As String, Optional ByVal usePassword2 As Boolean = False) As Variant
    Dim oJIRA As clsRESTful
    Dim nameAndPass, result(2, 1) As Variant
    Dim status As Long
    Set oJIRA = New clsRESTful
    nameAndPass = moduleMiscOps.getNameAndPassword(usePassword2)
    With oJIRA
        .authUrl = JIRA_AUTHORISE_URL
        .jsonString = inputJSON
        .url = restUrl
        .userName = nameAndPass(NAME_PTR, 1)
        .Password = nameAndPass(PASS_PTR, 1)
        result(2, 1) = .jsonString
        result(1, 1) = .status
    End With
    Set oJIRA = Nothing
    putToJira = result
End Function

Public Sub putData()
    Dim openString As String
    openString = Trim(sURL)
    With JiraService
        .Open "PUT", openString, False
        .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
        .setRequestHeader "Accept", "application/json"
        .setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic " & EncodeBase64()
        .send sJSONString <===== IT FAILS HERE
        sStatus = .status
        If .status <> 401 Then
            sJSONString = .responseText
            sErrorResponse = .responseText
        End If
    End With
    Set JiraService = Nothing
End Sub




2 answers

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Peter Schlenk
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May 20, 2018


got the same problem. Solution:

Dim JiraService As New MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP60

instead of

Dim JiraService As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60



0 votes
Ludwig Gruber December 11, 2016


I am facing more or less the same problem:

I am doing a transition of an issue via REST API implemented in an Excel. The transition of the issue is done correctly, but status code is not 204 as expected, but 1223 "Unknown error" ...

As a workaround I state "On Error Resume Next" before the transition call, but that's not a very elegant way wink

Just wanted to know, if this is a known error (we are running JIRA V5.2), then my workaround is more or less the "correct solution".

thanks + regards

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