For matters assigned to me, how do I view only the ones waiting on my action?

Jonathan Rudolph
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January 4, 2017

I have a few dozen matters assigned to me, but want to view only the ones that are waiting on me to take an action.  I don't want to see items that have been reassigned and are currently waiting for someone else to comment or take some other action.  Can't find anything in the knowledge base, and don't see anything in the syntax.  Thanks.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 4, 2017

How do you know they are waiting for your action? 

The standard approach, and the best is that if an issue requires action, it should be assigned to the person who needs to take that action.  So you'd simply look for "assignee = current user and resolution is unresolved" to find everything you need to do.

It sounds like you aren't working that way, so you'll need to tell us how you know there are actions for you on issues that aren't assigned to you, or how you know it's not currently with you to deal with when you are the assignee.

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