Close subtask with comment using REST api

Caleb Bryant
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August 8, 2016

I'm attempting to make a script that will automatically comment and close tasks or subtasks based on command line arguments. 

While attempting to do so, I've run into a couple issue. I'm able to submit comments with this sort of format:

Here's the json: 

"update": {
"comment": [
"add": {
"body": "this is a test"
"transition": {
"id": "1" }


Here's the curl call: 

curl -D- -u "${user}":"${pass}" -X PUT --data @$jfile -H "Content-Type: application/json" "https://jira.example/rest/api/2/issue/${issueKey}"


It will submit a comment successfully, but will not transition the status. 

I've also tried modifying the json to include a resolution field, like so: 

"update": {
"comment": [
"add": {
"body": "this is a test "
"transition": {
"id": "6" }, "fields" : { "Resolution" : { "name": "Done" }}

 I've attempted to push this using this: 

curl -D- -u "${user}":"${pass}" -X POST --data @$jfile -H "Content-Type: application/json" "https://jira.example/rest/api/2/issue/${issueKey}/transitions"

This gives me the result: 
{"errorMessages":["Internal server error"],"errors":{}}


Any ideas how I can do this properly? I've read through several articles and posts here as well without luck so far. 


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Matthias Gaiser _K15t_
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August 8, 2016

Hi Caleb,

have you seen this post? The basic question is: Do you have a screen defined for your transition you are trying to perform? If not, you should add a screen with the comment field on it as described in the JIRA knowledgebase.

Hope this helps!


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