Looking for a suggested template or approach for stories with large number of sub-tasks

Deleted user May 4, 2022

In our organization, we have a team that wants to use Jira, but they haven't figured out a way to make it work for them. In the current tool that they use, each team member works from essentially a large story (though that story still only takes them 1-2 weeks to complete, fyi - definitely not an epic). Every story is made up of copies of the same repeatable 90+ small sub-tasks that must be done to call the story complete.

So what this team needs in Jira is some type of story template that supports subtasks. Again, the subtasks (i.e. steps to complete the work) are always the same, it's just the core description of the story that changes each time.

Any suggestions here?



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Marlene Kegel - codefortynine
Atlassian Partner
May 9, 2022

Welcome to the community, @[deleted].

I am Marlene from codefortynine.

If you're open to work with a Marketplace app, you can have a look at Deep Clone for Jira.

You could create a template story including their subtasks and bulk clone them ever 1-2 weeks.

  • Open the template story
  • Click on the three-dots (issue action) menu on the top right
  • Click on Deep Clone
  • Select "target project" (you could either clone the template into the same project or another project)
  • Select "Same as original" as target issue type
  • Select "Clone all 90 subtasks and keep the hierarchy"
  • And follow the further instructions in the Deep Clone dialog

There are many other ways to configure the clone (include or exclude certain fields while cloning, edit issues fields while cloning, ...)

If you have questions or feedback about Deep Clone for Jira, don't hesitate to contact us.

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Jeanne Howe
May 9, 2022

@[deleted] You can use Automation for Jira to create a rue that states any time a Story is created, create these subtasks. If not all Stories need the subtask, you can add a component to the rule that states anytime a Story is created AND field [X] contains [this value], create these subtasks.

With 90+ subtasks you can either manually set the all 90 subtasks in the rule or you can call a file that contains the list of subtasks to create. The file option takes a bit more configuration and scripting, but it can be done.

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