Issues not appearing on a Kanban board. Team managed project.

Iassen Houbenov November 16, 2022

We migrated a Company managed project to a team-managed one. 

Unfortunately, the Kanban board is not showing all the issues in some, and no issues for other status columns (see below). For example, we have more than 100 issues in To Do and >1000 in Done. 


Filters using the status category are working fine.


The board doesn't show any issue in To Do and just 1 in Done. When See all Done issues is pressed all 1000+ issues are there displayed properly.


When I'm on the Columns and statuses configuration screen some numbers are there, but still not the actual ones.



The only solution I've found for a similar issue was to fix(remove) sub-filter. 

I have tried to find and remove the sub-filter, but it seems there is no sub-filter board configuration for team-managed projects.

Could you please propose what should be the cause and solution for the problem?


Kind regards,






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Trudy Claspill
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November 18, 2022

Hello @Iassen Houbenov 

Welcome to the community.

How many issues total do you have in the project? There is a limit to the number of issues a board can display, and that limit is 5000.

Also, note that with a Team Managed project Kanban board, issues in the right-most column should automatically be hidden when the Resolved date becomes 2 weeks old.

You could manually clear the right-most column of done issues by clicking on the ... button at the top of the column. I think that will enable more issues to display in the other columns of the board.

Screen Shot 2022-11-18 at 4.39.37 PM.png

Iassen Houbenov November 21, 2022

Hello @Trudy Claspill 


Many thanks for your prompt reply.

The long answer cut short:

1. we have 1502 issues (snapshot below) and it looks like the limit of 5000 will not affect us soon.

2. Resolved, or issues in end states, are not that important for that Kanban board. We use dashboards and filters to handle those. So we are not interested in that category.

3. The real issue is that the board shows mostly strange numbers.



The strange behavior:

On the board configuration screen(picture 3 below), the numbers look pretty good.  

The numbers on the actual board(visible by users) (picture 4 below) are quite different.



The long answer.

Below are pictures I have taken to show the discrepancies.

1. Board configuration and actual boards compared

The aim of this is to showcase the issue



2. Dashboard based on the filter project = "ThinkTrader Server" 


3. Jira board configuration screen

Some minor discrepancies



4. Jira board actual view presented to users


Trudy Claspill
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November 21, 2022

I notice from the image in your original post that you have the Backlog screen enabled.

With a Team Managed project Kanban board an issue can be in any status and be displayed in either the Backlog list or on the Board. When you are looking at the Board configuration, the number of issues it is showing for each status is a combination of the issues that would display on the Board and in the Backlog.

Are the issues that are "missing" from the Board display showing up in the Backlog list on the Backlog screen?

Additionally that count you see in the Board configuration includes all types of issues, but not all types of issues will display on the Board at one time. Team Managed project Kanban boards have a Group By option in the upper right corner. When you have None selected there you may notice that neither Epics nor Subtasks display on the Board. But those are being counted when you look at the issue counts for each status in the Board Configuration.

Iassen Houbenov November 22, 2022

Hi Trudy,

To answer your question.

The "missing" issues from the Board display seem to be showing on the backlog, but I have no control(or don't know how) over the Board/Backlog split. 

When it comes to the workaround described below - all the issues appear on the Board and no issues appear as Backlog.

After some research and additional tests, I believe the issue is some Jira bug caused by migration from Company to a Team managed project.


As a workaround, I have created a personal Kanban board, based on a shared filter and have added a link to the board as described here: -

The result:

1. User can click on the link (picture 1) and see my board  (picture 2).

2. I can edit the filter query as needed, including the order by clause.

3. End users can see the new board.


The remaining question:

I would love to know if it is possible to delete, reset, and/or recreate the "standard" board, and/or manage the underlying query used by Jira to control issues, board, and backlog configuration.



1. "Standard board" 



2. Custom board


Trudy Claspill
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November 22, 2022

Hello @Iassen Houbenov 

With a Team Managed project Kanban board you control if an issue displays in the Backlog list or on the Board by dragging and dropping issues between the two lists on the Backlog screen. If you want to show an issue on the board, you drag and drop it from the Backlog list section to the Board list section above. If you want to pull an issue off the board, then you drag the issue from the Board list section to the Backlog list section below on the Backlog screen.

This is different from Company Managed project Kanban boards where the Status of the issue determines if the issue is displayed in the Backlog list or on the board.

With a Team Managed project it is not possible to delete the board or change the underlying filter of the board. Boards for Team Managed projects essentially use this filter

project=<the Team Managed project> ORDER BY Rank DESC
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Iassen Houbenov November 23, 2022

Million thanks @Trudy Claspill 


That's the actual solution to my problem.

I haven't found that in the documentation or other community posts. 

Now all makes sense and gives us the opportunity to 


Once again, thank you so much for your time and support!!


Kind regards,


Jan-Willem Aikens September 9, 2024


I read this reply:

I find it strange that a status can be linked to a column, but the column does not show the issues when the status is chosen. This implies you have to do double work:
Change to status AND move to accompanying column.


Trudy Claspill
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September 9, 2024

Hello @Jan-Willem Aikens 

There is a difference between the functionality of agile boards for Company Managed projects vs. Team Managed projects when the Kanban board has the Backlog screen enabled.

With Company Managed projects, display on a Kanban board vs. the Backlog is based on the Status value of the issue.

With Team Managed projects, the display on a Kanban board is based on the issue having been moved into the Board from the Backlog, rather than the simply on the Status of the issue.

I have no insights on why that design decision was made.


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