Different apps that integrate with Jira Align

September 10, 2020


 Could someone please help me with what apps (like Jira) integrate with Jira Align? Also, is it possible to integrate Zephyr (testing tool) and others that aligns with SAFe engagement efforts with Jira Align in any way?

Thank you.

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Rich Sparks
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 10, 2020

Align integrates with Jira to keep the relevant work items synchronized. Align synchronizes with Jira epics, stories and sub-tasks. If you have other custom issue types in Jira, you can set up Align synchronization so those issues are brought into Align as a Story with a specific Story Type.

So if you're using Zephyr to create Test Cases, you could have the Test Case issue type brought into Align as a Story with a type of "Test Case". This might be useful if you're doing a lot of manual testing and you want to track the work being done in manual testing. If all your test cases are automated, you may not want or need to bring them into Align.

Align does not synchronize the custom fields in Zephyr that are specific to testing. (For example, Test Steps, Test Data, or Test Results.) We expect that testers will be using Zephyr in Jira for their detailed testing activities, so we don't copy those custom fields into Align.

When you create bugs in Zephyr, those can be synchronized into Align so you can track the bugs that are being fixed by developers on the team.

There's a great article in Community written by my colleague @Tim Keyes that explains how the synchronization between Align and Jira works. You can find it here: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Align-articles/Jira-and-Jira-Align-Integration-Issue-Story-and-Epic-Management/ba-p/1259396#M59

September 10, 2020

Hello Rich,

 Thank you for the response. Could you please guide me on how any work done in Zephyr can be directly synced to Jira Align as you've mentioned in your response?

Thank you.

Mark Cruth
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 29, 2020

Closing the loop on this question - Roman was able to provide an answer here: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Align-questions/Impact-on-removing-people-from-team/qaq-p/1479048

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