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Align integration changes/concerns to a Jira instance migrated to the Cloud

Drew Smith November 24, 2022

What processes/concerns/considerations will need to be done in Align (cloud based) when the on-prem Jira DC it is originally integrated to gets migrated to the Cloud?

Obviously there is the Jira Connector setup that needs updating (link, API url, authentication).

I am thinking that depending on how the migration is done the Align Program(s) will need to have the id #s and mappings for the boards, custom fields, statuses and issue types updated as they may change, at a minimum they need to be checked to see if they have changed. 

Outstanding questions I have:

  • Sprints, as the Jira sprint id #s may change when migrated how will this impact the original mapping Align had between its sprints and the Jira sprints?  
  • Is it recommended to Deactivate the Jira Connector linking Align to the on-prem Jira right before the migration?
  • Synchronizing data, will there be a need to re-synch the migrated data (ie using JQL) or will Align do this automatically based on its original configuration?
    • Concern with the latter is the potential amount of data synching that may occur with all Programs.
  • Align users (Full and Integrated), I know users would still be on issues as reporter/assignees etc and the "Service Account" user will need to be migrated (or re-created) however
    • Will Align still recognize the users once they have migrated or will user data need to be pulled from the Cloud setup?
      • If they have to be pulled again do the original users need to be flushed out of Align? 
      • If Atlassian Access is setup for the Cloud will this have any additional impact?
    • Is there any additional things to consider when reviewing what users get migrated? Eg if a user left the company a month ago their account may not be migrated however if a PI is in progress and the user is not migrated how will Align treat the story, will it
      • stay with the team as there is not a valid assignee anymore
      • impact any team reporting?
    • Found this article regarding a problem with owners on a Feature as a reference for a potential issue

If there is anything I have not asked, have missed let me know.

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Rich Sparks
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 25, 2022

@Drew Smith  Many of the answers to these questions depend on how you do your Jira migration.

If you use the Cloud Migration assistant, it may take more work to clean up and reconnect Jira Align to your new Jira Cloud.

If you do a Jira Site XML export and import, there is less work because all the project keys and issue keys will stay the same.  

Regarding the users: you can export the user information from the new Jira Cloud environment and provide this to the JA team and they'll update the user information accordingly in the Jira Align database.

Do you have an Atlassian Technical Account Manager (TAM) or Solution Architect you are working with? They can provide more detailed assistance and planning. It is best to coordinate these migrations so everything can be tested and confirmed well in advance of the actual migration.

One important thing to consider: Depending on the state of your existing Jira data, there are cases where it is best to create all new programs and teams in Jira Align and start with a clean slate. This is admittedly an extreme solution, but Atlassian Solution Architects have found this might be the best approach for some customers.

Drew Smith December 2, 2022

@Rich Sparks thanks for the reply. This question was a proactive one, planning what might have to be done in the near future, will definitely take  your advice.

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