Have You Ever Created a Plugin for Atlassian Products?

nicholascassano May 23, 2018

Hello folks!

I'm curious to know if any of you had the inspiration or needed to create some functionality / add-on for some Atlassian product.

I'm thinking of create some internal feature for my company, and want to know what was your experience of doing such thing was, if you created something cool.

Also, creating something will help me with my undergraduate thesis.
Hope this discussion takes a long and productive exchange of knowledge.


2 answers

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Danyal Iqbal
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May 23, 2018

Make a well thought crm plugin to manage customer data in jira. The existing crm plugins suck. e.g think about account && sub account paradigms and security levels.

It would be a nice topic for an undergraduate thesis as well.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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May 23, 2018

I wouldn't say I was "inspired", more given "stuff to do I can't make it do off-the-shelf"

A lot of the coding I've done has been based on that, and I've managed to build some nice gadgets and reports (plus functional stuff I now tend to do in ScriptRunner instead nowadays).  I've always had a feeling I could improve some of them into products that would work outside just that one client site, but never quite had the time to do it.

My experience was of a steep learning curve - I've been a developer, but to get what I wanted, I had to learn a new programming language (fortunately one with similarities to ones I had used before) and four or five "technologies".  Add on top of that the Atlassian SDK and libraries (which have improved in more recent versions) and the fact that you really need to understand the Atlassian  application you are coding for, and it can look daunting.

But they all worked in the end!

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