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Thanks I just saw that. I take back what I said but I would post in the other thread. There is one positive from this. I now have a new post to refer people to when they ask me about Atlassian products. This even beats the shared filters threads for Jira.
Change ONE THING to your feature. Make it optional, but super easy to turn on.
Just add a single checkbox for "Create automatic personal spaces". Default = off. Problem solved.
Bonus: Instant metric of how many customers think this feature is so good that they're willing to log on to the admin portal to tick a single checkbox. I'll take the "under 10%" split for my bet.
Think how awesome it will be when most of your Confluence admins think this is great, turn it on, and I have to publicly eat crow in this thread, or another Atlassian forum of your choice, including head office in Sydney.
This would be much better as an optional feature. For some small companies I can see the value of it. For larger companies though (really anything over 10 at the absolute highest 50 users) this would be cumbersome to manage and access can get really messy with Confluence.
From personal experience as an Admin when I logged in to a new Cloud instance to plan a migration off of cloud, not being able to get around creating a personal space was really frustrating.
I agree with the sentiment to make this optional, I get the value but I also see that customers should have choices
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Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
Do you even ready the tickets that your users create? This is not a welcome feature. I have over 250 users and growing and each of them has a personal space, that shows in the list of all spaces. As an organization, we have 5 spaces so users can quickly ands easily find what they are looking for. That becomes impossible when they have to sort through a list of personal spaces, of which, only about 5% of users are actually using or intend to use. This is a horrible, horrible feature. Please provide the ability to turn it off as well as the ability to bulk delete all of the unused and unwanted personal spaces.
"However, if your admin has disabled personal spaces for your instance, you will not get one."
How? Where?
I have only found the permission to create spaces, but I'm not sure if that helps, when Atlassian creates these spaces automatically? If I'm missing something, please add the information to the article.
Otherwise, I think I do not have to mention again that this undertaking does not seem to be particularly well thought out, enough others have done that already.
@Avni Barman - please review the weight of the negative sentiment that this announcement has had and at the very least delay the rollout of this requirement until you have further surveyed your user community.
I for one am utterly unimpressed with this move, it will cause issues with our data migration and lead to unnecessary overhead. We already see performance issues with the Confluence Cloud product, adding unnecessary personal spaces to the mix is only going to exacerbate the problem.
In addition, this is going to lead to an unhealthy overhead with regards to processing leavers for our organization. We already have to manage the personal spaces that our user community elects to create.
Add it as an option we can enable within our instance, don't make it a default that we cannot control.
Continuing with your plans at this point will show that Atlassian is not listening or not interested in its user community feedback, which will not help you secure new or renew business.
Not a fan of Personal Spaces at all. I turned mine off - it just made more haystacks to find the needle. Please don't turn that on automatically. I will have to delete all of them. I tried to get my permissions right so they aren't auto created.
This is a horrible idea! What happens to the spaces when a user becomes inactive? Does the Confluence Administrator now have to add yet one more duty -- deleting personal spaces for inactive users?
I don't hate this but as others have said it would need organisations to have control on whether this is switched on for all users, some user groups, or not at all.
Whilst I can see it working in some smaller agile organisations / teams who live and breath Atlassian as a primary tool, in many more large, complex organisations there just isn't the user appetite for this. In these organisations it might cause confusion at best and become an admin headache at worst.
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November 16, 2021 edited
Thank you all for all your detailed comments and follow-ups. I would like to answer these concerns and questions live in more detail. If you're interested in chatting with me and others on our product team, please sign up here to set up some time to chat. Thank you!
@Avni Barman The catch-all, "we reached out to the community and had conversations and got lots of feedback" trick. Then you'll continue implementing the misfeature none of us want anyway and not caring how much frustration or time it actually costs _us_.
We've seen this play already on several other changes Atlassian has made in the past. Please don't do this to us yet again.
Finally, please keep in mind that the voters are, for the most part, admins themselves so the number of users represented by those votes is -at least- tenfold.
I agree with @Chase Whitener - I gave lots of feedback on the new issue view. You rolled it out anyway and then started trying to fix things after release. I spent weeks of man-hours making the rollout on that feature seamless for my team. Why should I spend 15 minutes telling you the things we can post here and have already done so.
At least here the problems are documented for everyone to see.
1. Increase in admin overhead to manage spaces that likely won't be used. Our spaces will likely increase by 8x minimum
2. GDPR/CCPA risk because novice users may be inclined to put sensitive data on these spaces. Right now there is small risk. Currently these spaces are used by experienced users who have sought out the ability.
3. Inability to easily allow spaces to be created for existing users while turning this feature off. Just as in New Issue View you are forcing the admins to do the work because of your poor roll out process. I spent 120 man hours fixing issues on new issue view so that the rollout would not impact my team. All you have to do for default space creation is have the option to disable this feature with a default of off. That would probably make everyone happy. Anyone can turn it on if they want the feature.
4. You did the same thing with automation rules. Atlassian rolled out that feature with admin permissions enabled. Someone promptly used it incorrectly and I had to fix. You also didn't allow the feature to be added to a permission scheme. Basically you force your admins to turn features off because you don't do the proper work for us to control roll out. Spaces may not have processes in place. Now we have to develop any necessary process before you jam this down our throats.
5. You are taking away server so we will have no way to prevent new features from being rolled out to our users. Half of what you do makes more work for me but I have no way to stop the changes.
6. Oh and add manual deletion of sample pages. I didn't know that existed until the prior comment. Seriously you couldn't just have one global sample page? You have to create them for everyone. Who thinks up this stuff?
You seem to forget that the admin managing the system does have some input on whether add-ons or additional implementations are used. Why would we spend more money on a system where the team doesn't listen to our input.
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Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
Hi everyone, if you’re interested in a way to automatically archive all unused personal spaces on your instance, we’ve added a new script to do this.
You’ll need the ScriptRunner for Confluence app and this script from our Script Library. When you copy and paste the script into the app and run it, it will find and archive all the unused personal spaces on your instance.
You can set the script to run on a fixed schedule (called a ‘Script Job’) so unused personal spaces get continuously archived in batches until your whole instance is done.
As you can probably tell, I work on the ScriptRunner team :).
For anyone who’s interested, ScriptRunner for Confluence is free for up to 10 users, otherwise, you can take advantage of the 30-day free trial to run the script.
Hope that helps anyone who needs it. Any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to me.
Is there a way to change the following behavior we're seeing: the "create" button at the top of the Confluence navigation bar automatically creates the page in a user's personal space, unless that user is in a different space. This is not the behavior we want. We would like the creation to default to the General space where most of our documentation is stored, but I am not sure if I can change that and if so-where.