Confluence Content Management: Part 13

Archival Workaround

What if you don’t have archival capabilities? Here are a few alternate ideas to try:

1. Flag content and restrict editing

Add a banner or some visual indicator to old pages. Then remove editing capabilities so no further updates are made. (I usually do both.)

2. Export and remove content

Backup or export the content, save it in a long term storage location, and then delete the content.

3. Modify hierarchy or rename

Sometimes I add a character or word to page names. I typically append “x Archived” so pages are displayed at the bottom when sorted alphabetically.

If there is a lot of content, renaming is tedious however. An easier way is to create a page in the space (I name it “x Archived”) and move old content under it.

4. Move content to a global space named “Archive”

Next, some organizations create a global space specifically to store old content. Then prevent content creation or modification at the space level.

5. Apps

Finally, there are always apps in the Atlassian Marketplace to extend archival capabilities.

Do you have another creative content management or archival idea?

Share it in the comments section below.

Good luck with your Confluence quest and your Jira journey.

Back to Part 1: Introduction


Aron Gombas _Midori_
Community Leader
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January 2, 2023

Great write-up, @Rachel Wright!

For the "5. Apps" part, let me mention that our Better Content Archiving app is available for Confluence Server, Data Center and Cloud, too.

We started to build it more than 14 years ago, so by now it became mature and feature-rich. (It offers more than the built-in archiving feature. Our focus is one automating as much of the process as we can.) You can learn more about the wide range of features in the documentation.

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Andy Gladstone
Community Leader
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February 14, 2023

For those that followed the entire path of these amazing articles to the end, this post is an expansion on what @Rachel Wright mentioned in Confluence Content Management Part 8.

Adrian Hülsmann - B1NARY
Atlassian Partner
May 16, 2023

That's an excellent article series @Rachel Wright

Regarding "5. Apps", I'd like to point to Breeze - Content archiving made simple, available via the Atlassian Marketplace.

It establishes review and archiving workflows and provides tremendous help in identifying and removing outdated pages to finally clean Confluence for better collaboration.


Its a feature-packed content lifecycle management solution and includes:

  • automated content analyses,
  • page review and archiving workflows,
  • page and space ownership,
  • reports and notifications,
  • bulk archiving and deletion,
  • analytics,
  • data export for processing all your content, ownership, and status information  via CSV
  • and more to update outdated pages quickly and enhance collaboration.

👉 To anyone interested, feel free to give it a try or schedule an appointment with me for a personal demo.

Cheers, Adrian from B1NARY (we are the developers of Breeze)




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