How to start a free Compass subscription?

Rudy Holtkamp
Community Leader
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October 23, 2023


We have a customer that wants to check if Compass is a tool which they want to use.

They first want to start with the free version, but when I add Compass to their site it immediately starts with a standard version. When I try to change it to a free version, then I see that this is not possible, because we've exceeded the number of users. The cause is, that we have six org & site admins.

How can I remove the number of users/exclude some site admins (from a business perspective, they may not be removed from this role)?

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Atlassian Team
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October 23, 2023

Hey @Rudy Holtkamp this is a great question! We will post an article soon to explain the pricing model further.

Here is an explanation of what is happening

  1. Any user who is an org admin will be a full user in Compass, because they have full access and admin rights that is passed down into the Compass product. They are org admin so they can manage all products.
  2. When you sign up for Compass on an existing site with > 3 org admins, it means you will have X 'full users' - equalling the number of org admins. 6 in your example.
  3. This will automatically put you into a 14-day Standard trial given free has <= 3 full users.

The only way to jump into a free version of Compass is to change those org admins into different roles that are not paid users to manage other aspects (see links below).

Unfortunately there is no way to 'exclude' specific org admins from having admin/full rights in the Compass product - that is not on us to decide but part of Atlassian Platform and how those global permissions exist. We do have a 14-day standard trial with Compass to evaluate the product and are here to answer any questions the customer might have. Otherwise, with those 6 users, it would be $42/month (6 x $7/mo) to jump onto the Standard Plan. and are great resources.

Let me know if I can clarify anything else! Thank you for raising this.

Taylor Pechacek - Head of Product, Compass

Rudy Holtkamp
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 30, 2023

hi @Taylor ,

Thanks for your reply. The standard 14-day trial is often not enough to run to all the red-tape involved. Users wants to try it, they need to find time between there normal day-to-day work, then they need to convince their team/mgmt/finance department.

So it would be nice to be able to only count the users that actually are performing the trial.

But if it is a platform restraint, then I will relay that message.


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