How to connect Jira software issue and JSM service desk directly?

Siyeon Park
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October 16, 2023

Hi, I want to connect Jira issue and JSM's service request directly.

I already made forms and service requests in Jira service desk based on JSM. So I want to make Jira Software users can use those conveniently when they create some Jira Software issue. Until now, we used an automation to connect Jira software and JSM, but I'm still curious about it.

In Jira software automation, they only give me 'Create incident', and 'Edit request type' about JSM.

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 7.31.19 PM.png

What I wanted to do is create new request on JSM, so I think I need to use 'Create incident'. But, I found that incident is not for creating new issue/task/.. but for dealing with problems.

In my case, using 'Create incident' is the best way to create own automation system?

Or are there some other ways to solve this problem?




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Katie Silver
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 18, 2023

Hi @Siyeon Park , this is the community group for the product Compass :) you probably want to raise your request over here instead:

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