Overview of Kudos per standard activities

Thomas Deiler
Community Leader
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April 24, 2021

Dear all,

I just could not find any information about the kudos bonus on standard activities. (Either I am blind and/or tired)

  • answering questions
  • voting answers
  • own answers accepted
  • creating articles
  • receiving/sending likes
  • starting discussions
  • reply on discussions
  • ...

Many thanks


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Laura Holton _ACE Rotterdam_
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April 25, 2021

Hi @Thomas Deiler and @Linda Milne_Togetha Group_ 👋

I believe I can shed some light on this. Standard activities that aren't in reference to the Kudos challenges in the drop down menu aren't currently associated to the Kudos points you collected from activities.

You will find on occasion that there is some cross over for example if you answered a question that had the tag 'jira-cloud' and you were also doing the 'Jira Cloud Learning' Challenge this would add towards completing the challenge and achieving those lovely Kudos points 😃

Because Kudos is currently in Beta there are two types of recognition for your help on the Community - there are the badges which you'll find under your profile which is the current form of recognition everyone can achieve and can help you work up to being a Community Leader. And then you have Kudos (in Beta) which is solely associated to the challenges they provide. So for standard activities see below:

  • answering questions - gains Kudos if it's linked to a challenge for example Super Solve Thursday or the Jira Cloud Learning. It also works towards badges.
  • voting answers - no Kudos but great for helping people understand which solution is useful.
  • own answers accepted - no Kudos but works towards those badges.
  • creating articles - gains Kudos if it's linked to a challenge for example Article Author. It also works towards badges.
  • receiving/sending likes - Sending likes gets you 5 Kudos points every time and works towards badges, receiving likes is solely linked to badges currently.
  • starting discussions - gains Kudos if it's linked to a challenge for example Weekend Wisdom. It also works towards badges.
  • reply on discussions - gains Kudos if it's linked to a challenge for example Monday Musings. It also works towards badges.

I hope this helps but please ask away if you have any more questions 😄

Hope you're both having a great weekend!

All the best,


Monique vdB
Community Manager
Community Managers are Atlassian Team members who specifically run and moderate Atlassian communities. Feel free to say hello!
April 25, 2021

@Laura Holton _ACE Rotterdam_ this is a great overview!

I wanted to share one insight that might be of interest, which is that if you get an answer accepted or a piece of content liked or upvoted, it only triggers in the kudos program if the person who performed the action is also enrolled in the beta. 

Accepted answers and such are valuable activities that really help showcase expertise; we would love to be able to include them in the beta, but cannot for that reason. If and when we roll out a full program, we won't have that restriction, so those activities will definitely be part of the program. 

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Thomas Deiler
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 25, 2021

Thanks @Laura Holton _ACE Rotterdam_ and @Monique vdB ,

answering questions - gains Kudos if it's linked to a challenge for example Super Solve Thursday or the Jira Cloud Learning. It also works towards badges.

This seems not to be what I observed. I get 5 Kudos regardless whom's question I answer. I this a hidden feature?

And by the way, I think (like Monique pointed out) the main objective of the community is to help those that ask questions. When the main contributors of the community start hunting challenges, probably the objective could be off focus. Therefore I believe, rewarding objective activities (especially accepted answers) is very important. I would suggest following:

  • answering questions = 5 (it is allready)
  • answering unanswered questions older than 14 days = 10
  • voting answers / own voted = 1
  • own answers accepted = 150
  • creating articles = 250
  • own article featured = 500
  • receiving/sending likes = 1
  • starting discussions = 15
  • reply on discussions = 5

If this is not possible to implement, please add at least a permanent/recurring challenge for accepted answers.

So long


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Monique vdB
Community Manager
Community Managers are Atlassian Team members who specifically run and moderate Atlassian communities. Feel free to say hello!
April 27, 2021

@Thomas Deiler thank you so much for this list!  I just sent you a kudos to say thanks.

I get 5 Kudos regardless whom's question I answer. I this a hidden feature?

There is a repeatable badge called "Answer Bonus" that gives you a 5-point bonus for answering questions once you have hit Level 3.  We will try to make this more clear! 

We also have Super Solve Thursday every week where you get 100 points per answer, and this week, we're stretching that to the entire week for Team 2021.

Rewarding objective activities (especially accepted answers) is very important.

Fully agree! In fact we have beautiful badges designed to reward accepted answers by product. Here is a sneak peek of one:

                                             Jira expert level badge_4@2x.png

But see above: we can't implement this now because in order to trigger in the beta, your answer has to be accepted by someone already enrolled in the beta.  If and when we roll out a full program, we will be able to do this for all our products!

In the meantime, our non-kudos badges available to everyone do reward accepted answers. The downside of those is that they can't be segmented by product. 

I'm going to comment on your bullet points inline:

  • answering questions = 5 (it is allready) Yes, see above, once you are Level 3 you get this bonus. 
  • answering unanswered questions older than 14 days = 10 Love this idea! We are looking into feasibility of this. 
  • voting answers / own voted = 1 We will consider adding upvoting!  Getting your own answers upvoted has the same issue as accepted answers. 
  • own answers accepted = 150 See above. 
  • creating articles = 250 We have two badges for writing articles; I love the idea of making this a permanent bonus! Maybe in concert with the Authors group?  Will consider this for the future. 
  • own article featured = 500 We will see if we can track this.
  • receiving/sending likes = 1 Lots to Like and Lots More to Like should cover this.
  • starting discussions = 15 Love this idea too. 
  • reply on discussions = 5 See above, we will consider this.

Thanks again @Thomas Deiler for the great feedback!

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Linda Milne_Togetha Group_
Atlassian Partner
April 24, 2021

Im confounded by this as well.


And tags. What are the rules around using tags - in general, but for the beta specifically.

Monique vdB
Community Manager
Community Managers are Atlassian Team members who specifically run and moderate Atlassian communities. Feel free to say hello!
April 27, 2021

@Linda Milne_Togetha Group_ here is an article about tags that is still relevant!

It's true that tags are used for the beta, for example answering cloud questions is determined by whether the question is tagged cloud.  You can filter questions on the homepage feed by product and tag using these instructions.  Let me know if I can clarify anything else for you!

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Linda Milne_Togetha Group_
Atlassian Partner
April 27, 2021

See. Learning heaps! 😁👍

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