Another quarter down, only one more to go! That means it's time to spotlight a few peeps
So much happened in these few months in our cozy community. In July, we launched our Bookmarker badge to celebrate our newest feature. August saw not one, but TWO Dev Ops missions where you can share YOUR DevOps story. And last month, we learned our butts off with our Lean into Learning series!
But ICYMI- we launched a few new badges that should give you a head start for this Q!
🆕 Make It Appen Like 5 App Central posts & Have 1 comment upvoted by a community leader |
Bite-Sized JQL Take & pass the Bite-sized JQL quiz! |
Bite-Sized Confluence Shortcuts Take & pass the Bite-sized Confluence quiz! |
Let's get into what we're all itching to see! Our Top 10 Leaderboard! Drum roll, please...
Congratulations to @Sayed Bares [ServiceRocket] |
Here are the rest of the Top 10 Leaders for this Quarter:
And we can’t forget our Top 10 leading Atlassians!
Congratulations to @Mohanraj Thangamuthu ! |
@Sal ★
@John M ★
Great to see some first timers on the board! 👀★ Give them a round of applause 👏👏⭐️
Awesome quarter everyone and I'm excited to see what next year has in store for us! 😉
The new Leader of the Pack badge will be available shortly and the next leaderboard rollover is on January 1, 2024.
Saralie S.