I'll never stop exploring two things in my life: cooking and Confluence. The Great Atlassian Bake Off pulled a heartstring and made me roll my sleeves on the lovely snowy Sunday morning.
As I recently shared, I can't imagine a world not being carefully organized in Spaces and Page trees. And I dream of owning a Bakery someday in the future. 🥐 💙
In the hugs of the beautiful summertime, the day has come! I start working with a fellow baker. It is no surprise my first action was setting up a Confluence space where we shared plans on future menus, ingredients, and recipes.
As mentioned in this article, I quickly added my collaborator to my Confluence space, and we even used 3rd party tool to share recipes with people who don't have access to our instance. All of that developed in less than a week!
And the Great Bake Off?
Well, here they are! My Lemony Gingery Confluence cookies, spiced with ingredients you don't see often fitting together (like lemon and cinnamon). But as with each collaboration, you need a solution that fits your team of diverse individuals.
It’s been a long weekend preparing for this recipe, but I feel it is worth it! I’m excited to share a video of the process, show you around my lovely new kitchen, and shamelessly plug my creativity 🙂
If you are curious about how we managed to successfully and safely share content the entire summer, follow the link to the original recipe!
Teodora V _Fun Inc_
Putting Pieces Together @ Fun Inc
Fun Inc
Sofia, Bulgaria
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