Use Azure AD Group for repo access

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October 12, 2023

I would like to leverage existing Azure AD groups for access to specific repositories. How is this possible? If it is not possible today, when will it be available? It is available with many of your other product offerings.


Solved: BitBucket with Azure AD using atlassian access

Understand user provisioning | Atlassian Support

Supported products

Provisioning is available for all Atlassian accounts, which means that you can create, update, and deactivate accounts from your identity provider. Syncing groups is only currently available for Jira products, Confluence, Trello and not yet available for Bitbucket.

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Aaron Geister
Community Leader
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October 12, 2023


Welcome to Atlassian Community and I am glad you are here to learn with us. I found this from Atlassian Unified User Management for Bitbucket. This is in progress. I didn't see the release date but its coming soon as an option to use IDP groups.

Please review the link. I hope this helps.

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