...pt-get update # This should now work properly If you are using another public Docker image, search for it on Dockerhub and either try a newer tag, or see if there is a “-stretch” tag s...
...ommon.sh" enable_debug extra_args="" if [[ "${DEBUG}" == "true" ]]; then extra_args="--verbose" fi # mandatory variables ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN=${ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN:?'ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN e...
...oftware Cloud today. You can use it standalone with either Bitbucket or Jira Software, or in combination with both. I have an issue, how can I get help? Please submit an issue on our public issue t...
...ontainers Test containers recently released a fix to disable ryuk in version 1.10.6 by setting the environment variable TESTCONTAINERS_RYUK_DISABLED to true as documented here. In o...
...uthenticating with Bitbucket, with the git origin set to ‘git@bitbucket.org/<<your account>>/<<your repo>>.git’. To commit back, you had to configure a git username, email, SSH public...
下記のメッセージが表示されて Bitbucket へログインが行えない場合の回避策を紹介します。 OpenID transaction in progress 回避策1 プライベートブラウズモードを利用するか、あるいは下記URLへ順にアクセスして再ログインを行う。 https://id.atlassian.com/logout http...
It is possible to retrieve the avatarUrl by adding the avatarSize param to the REST call. This will add the avatarUrl property added to each user object that is returned. &...
Hello! My name is Mark Askew and I am a Premier Support Engineer for products Bitbucket Server/Data Center, Fisheye & Crucible. Today, I want to bring the discussion that Jennifer, Matt, and ...
Hey Bitbucket community, I'm excited to share with y'all a new addition to Bitbucket Server & Data Center in our 5.14 release. Data Center Migration is a tool for admins to allow conso...
File names and paths in REST API endpoints Bitbucket Server REST API endpoints provide the ability to check details on files and these files may contain some special characters. For example the f...
After posting an answer to Claire Maynard's post about advices for new users getting started with Bitbucket Bridget encouraged me to write this article to give you some more background to my ad...
As a project manager, I have discovered that different developers want to bring their previous branching method with them when they join the team. Some developers are used to performing individual wo...
Installation and configuration: Installing git on redhat based system $ sudo yum install git Installing git on debian based system $ sudo apt-get install git To configure...
How to add an SSH key To upload an SSH access key for a project, the REST API endpoint to use is: POST /rest/keys/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/ssh With a payload similar to the following pa...
...ayload: { "name": "My Repository", "public": true } Non forkable repository A non forkable repository ("Allow forks" option unchecked) is created by using this input file: { "name": "My R...
Hi, The UNLICENSED lozenge means that the user has not been granted (directly or via a group) access to Bitbucket Server. In order for a user to have access to Bitbucket Server and be a...
Due to the volume of Pipelines-related content and to let you follow the conversation more easily, we've just created a subcollection for Bitbucket Pipelines. If you're interested in Pipelines-focu...
下記の場合の回避策を紹介します。 Bitbucket CloudのリポジトリをHTTPSでgitに登録している際に、git push や fetch などを試みると "SSLRead() -9820 error" が発生してしまう 回避策: (1) SSHでの公開鍵認証を設定する《推奨》 リモートレポジトリの登録をHT...
On the day that I first reached out to her, Fadoua Boualem had just taken her ACP-600 test and had passed a French test that made her eligible to be an official hospital translator...
This week is the first week we’re showcasing an Atlassian Champion. Say hello to Micky Caritte! Micky is a French expat living in Montreal and has 5+ years of experience with Jira, Conflue...
Bitbucket Pipelines helps me manage and automate a number of serverless deployments to AWS Lambda and this is how I do it. I'm building Node.js Lambda functions using node-lambda ...
このポストではBitbucket Cloudにて追加のbuild minutesやfile storageを購入する方法を紹介します。フリープランユーザーやその他のプランでも手順は共通です。 追加方法 (1-1) プランページへ遷移する __USERNAME__ を対象のユーザー名やチーム名に置き換えてアクセスしてください https://bitbu...
.NET Core 2.0 の Pipelines 設定 Bitbucket のサイドバーで[Pipelines]をクリックします。 「Start using Pipelines」の下にスクロールするとプログラミング言語、プラットフォーム別のテンプレートを選択できるようになっています。 .NET Core については、リストから選択することができます。.NET ...
みなさんこんにちは! 2017 年 9 月 18 日から 20日にかけて広島で行われる Rubykaigi 2017 にアトラシアンはブース出展をします。ちょうどスポンサールームにあるコーヒーコーナーの横に位置していますので、セッション合間の休憩に是非お立ち寄りください! 今回のブースは、弊社エバンジェリストの長沢 とマーケティングスペシャリストの犬山 で、盛り上げていきます。アトラシアン製...
Bitbucket Pipelines からそのままAWS CodeDeployをつかってAWSにデプロイする設定を解説します。 Bitbucket Pipelines のフローの中で、AWS S3 にデプロイ対象を配置するのと、AWS CodeDeploy を呼び出すところがポイントです。 前提条件 前提条件は、3つです。 S3 バケットを作成する AWS ...