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Use Automation for Jira to add a row in Excel file

Rudy Holtkamp
Community Leader
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November 30, 2023

Hi all,

I want to use Automation for Jira to add a new row to an Excel file (on either Sharepoint or Onedrive). Has anybody done this before? And if so could you tell me how you did this?


A bit of background:
I've got a form, and after filling it in and make some updates to other fields, it will be accepted. Once accepted some of the captured data needs to be added to an Excel file (which is needed as source for an import into another system).



2 answers

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Rising Star
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December 4, 2023

Hi @Rudy Holtkamp ,

If you are open to an App from the Marketplace you could also use our Excel Online Integration. It can export new and updated Jira issues to Excel 365/OneDrive either one-time, real-time, or on a scheduled basis.

Kind regards,

The Mobility Team

0 votes
Mohamed Benziane
Community Leader
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November 30, 2023

If the Excel update is possible with a REST  API you could use automation and send a webhook

Rudy Holtkamp
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
December 3, 2023

I understand that if it is available, you can do this by REST API, but my question is how can you do this, are there any examples available?

Mohamed Benziane
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
December 4, 2023

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