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Unable to update test case status in jira when integrated jenkins with jira using xray plugin

Ankita Verma July 27, 2020

I am doing jira jenkins integration using jenkins for robot framework aitomation with the help of xray plugin.

Here my I am able to execute the test case status in Jira when I have one test case in jira tagged to an automated test case.

But when I have multiple test cases in jira tagged to single test case in automation script(here robot framework), then the test case in jira associated with first tag which is present in script is getting passed while other test cases which are tagged to the same test case in automation scripts are not getting updated in jira.

Is it the expected behaviour that if one test case is mapped to multiple test cases in jira fot robot framework, then only one test case status will get updated and not other's

2 answers

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Sergio Freire - Xblend
Rising Star
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July 31, 2020

Hi @Ankita Verma 

In this particular case, you'll need to provide more information to help us understand the case scenario. I recommend opening a ticket at our Service Desk and our support team will be glad to help you out.

Best Regards, 


Sérgio Freire, Solution Architect and Testing Advocate @Xray

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Ankita Verma July 30, 2020

Can anyone please update

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