Sprint end date

Caio Fernandes
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August 27, 2020



I need to automate a rule that sends an email when the sprint end date arrives.
I tried to use a rule with {{sprint.endDate}} but it's not working.

{{sprint.endDate}} greater than {{now}} + 1

Did anyone have this need?

Thank you in advance

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Atlassian Team
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August 27, 2020

Hi @Caio Fernandes ,

I'm afraid that there isn't really any easy way to do this at the moment. We have an item in our backlog, https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Automation-questions/Sprint-end-date/qaq-p/1467444 which would help with this.

In the meantime, you might try Florian's workaround.



Steven Remotigue
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April 8, 2021

Any idea when this feature will be released?

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Rising Star
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August 27, 2020

I think this is only possible with a dummy issue. The documentation says that the sprint smart values are available within some triggers: 




So what you can do is use the “sprint start” trigger to create an issue with some marker (label, component, custom field, whatever) that allows you to identify it later. Set the due date to {{sprint.endDate}}. 

Then write a second automation with a „schedule“ trigger and som JQL like this:

project=myproject and label=sprintwatcher and resolution is empty and due<=-1d

Let this rule run one a day. 

Then add a third automation for „sprint completed“ trigger with a branch rule with some JQL to closed the issue along with the sprint. 

It‘s magic. 

Sadeesh Narendran
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July 8, 2021


What if a issue is spilled over to next sprint? the {{issue.Sprint.endDate.jiraDate}} is taking the Sprint end date of previous Sprint End Date.


How to get value of Current/ Active Sprint End date value?

Kelli Frattini-Adams
July 27, 2021

I need this too! Help - how do we do this best?

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Garrett McCreery
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August 4, 2021

You can run a schedule once a day and follow this method...


Petr AST
November 7, 2021

Hi Garrett! @Garrett McCreery 

How did it works for you? Do you have any idea why this error might occur?



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