Help programming an auto-comment for when a comment is added to a closed issue

Mike Thomas May 6, 2024

When an issue has been resolved/canceled and someone happens to add a comment to it, the assignee is not notified due to it being closed. I wanted to create an automation to generate a comment which would then send an email in the even someone happens to add a comment on a closed/cancelled issue. 

When creating this automation, it was working but what we learned was happening is when someone went to resolve a case, this new automation would kick in right away and leave the new comment because the timing/order of the case being closed, it triggered it instantly. I then figured we could establish a 1-2 minute delay, which is where I'm getting stuck. 

On the attached screenshot, if I change the Second Value to "-2", the automation works, however we are getting the same results as before (everything happening all at once). However, when I remove the negative sign, the automation simply isn't working. 

I've removed the negative sign and went in and added a comment to my test closed case, but i'm getting no results from this automation. My hope here is by removing the negative sign and once i place a comment on a closed case, in 2 minutes the automation would kick in and add the comment. Note; If I add back in the negative sign (-2), it works but for any open cases that get closed, we are back to square one where this automation kicks in and adds the comment when someone resolves the case.jira_comment1.JPGjira_comment2.JPG

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Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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May 7, 2024

Try this condition -


{{issue.comments.last.created.diff(issue.resolutiondate).minutes}} LESS THAN -3

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