Automation Rule that retrieves and writes the linked issues to a Teams webhook

Garth August 8, 2020


We have begun to write automation rules in our Jira project.

The latest is for our Release team to notify our stakeholders that we have released and deployed a change that will resolve a linked issue in their project. This is triggered nicely by the transition to Done.

The notification is being written to Teams via a webhook created in a channel.

The notifications are working and we have worked out how to retrieve some of the issue details but cannot find how to retrieve the linked issues.

We currently are simply writing them to the comments field and publishing the last comment. This is obviously double handling and it also won't publish the URL nicely.

Can anyone help with the code needed to be placed in the automation rule to list the linked issues?

Thanks in advance

3 answers

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Jenni Järvinen
May 20, 2021

Any idea how to make list of these?

So instead of printing ABC-1, ABC-2, ABC-3... etc it would print along the lines:

ABC-1 - Summary - Link

ABC-2 - Summary - Link

Would that be doable?

Leo Nolivaiko December 15, 2022

@Jenni Järvinen I'm Looking for the same solution, tried many different approaches and could not make it work yet.

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Ste Wright
Community Leader
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August 8, 2020

Hi @Garth 

Do you just want a list of the issueLinks for the trigger issue?

Have you tried:



 These aren't limited to one key, just all related keys depending on the link direction


Garth August 9, 2020

Thanks @Ste Wright  - Ive made some more progress, thanks for the answer !

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Garth August 8, 2020

I have since found 

which seems to help

If there are two how to I return the second?
Mark Chaimungkalanont
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 11, 2020

Hey there Garth,

You should be able to use a similar format as above to print out the links to all the issues. In the above example, issue.issuelinks is the list of issue links, .first only picks the first issue, so if you omit that, it will try to resolve all the links in the list.

So if you go:

{{issue.issuelinks.outwardIssue.key}} -> should output ABC-12, ABC-13
{{issue.issuelinks.outwardIssue.url}} -> should out put links to the above issue

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