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Automation Deployment Trigger works unpredictable

Davyd Derkach July 24, 2024

Hello community. Sorry in advance for my sometimes stupid questions since I am new to Jira Automation.

I have created a simple automation that based on successful deployment to staging in GitLab perform a transition from one status to another:

In case I have couple commits created, with reference to different Jira Issues e.g:
Commit 1: BDP-371
Commit 2: BDO-372
When I run deployment for the first time, my issues are moving all correctly without issues.
But when I return them back to initial column and re-run pipeline I noticed that sometimes only issues referenced in the last commit is transitioned and rest stay without changes.

I tried to reproduce it and mentioned couple issues in one commit and it seems that after re-run of pipeline, both issues referenced in last commit were transitioned but all another referenced in oldest commits are not moved.

So maybe someone can explain is it expected behavior or it shouldn`t work like that? Maybe there some documentation where stated how this trigger should work and based on which rules it performs a transition?

Thanks in advance for your response!

1 answer

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Davyd Derkach July 25, 2024

@Bill Sheboy
Maybe you may help with my question? 
Thanks in advance!


Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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July 25, 2024

Hi @Davyd Derkach -- Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

First thing, I am not currently using the dev ops triggers and so cannot experiment to figure out this symptom empirically.

As for additional documentation, I have not found any for the specifics of these triggers beyond this one:

I recommend working with your Jira Site Admin to submit a support ticket to Atlassian to learn if there is more concrete guidance on the triggers to explain the symptom you are seeing:

When you hear back from them, please post what you learn to benefit the community.  Thanks!

Kind regards,

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