Send a list of issues in Slack with Jira automation’s newest action (Cloud)


Ryan McBryde April 21, 2021

I have JQL running that returns a list of issues (sub-tasks) that are in a particular project and not in a particular status.  Each of these issues can be assigned to a different user.  I would like to generate a separate email message to the assignee for each of the issues that is returned by {{lookupissues}} but I cannot see a way to do that in the email action.  Is there a way to do this? 

Mohamed Chaari
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August 6, 2021


I'm sending the result of the JQL query in a E-Mail to the users but sometimes there is no result from the JQL query do you know how can I just send the E-Mail when the result of the JQL qury not empty please? 

Thanks in advance!

Meghanand Baraskar
February 1, 2022


The article mentions that it is possible to edit every issue in the list (provided by lookup issues). Could you please provide an example of how do we do that?

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