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Rakesh Choudhary July 3, 2024

Great lesson on Atlassian Intelligence, learned so many things about Atlassian Intelligence, how it benefits organizations by saving time and effort to compose stories and issues using contextual references and templates

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John Funk
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July 3, 2024

Certainly for me, it is transforming a question into JQL. It's still not 100% accurate, but it really helps in getting a lot of the bulky syntax down to get you started. 

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July 3, 2024

For me, the content summarization feature is terrific!

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Thank you for attending @Connor I have a feeling that Jira ticket comments and Confluence pages summaries will be the most use AI feature. We live in big data days and need support in making it manageable. 

@vikram sounds like you caught the key concepts. On the 18th I'm going to introduce using AI in JSM! Wish me luck...

You're welcome Summer.Hogan I am so happy to hear that you found the live learning engaging. The team is trying to move away from the traditional lecture style to put participants at the center of our events. 

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@Laurie Sciutti summarizing comments is the best type of bandwagon to jump on- its such a timesaver. Great point, on large project it helps to understand the big picture and allocate resources effetively.

@Samantha-Sophia Felton you like how I threw prompt engineering in there! I'm going to try to include more in the next class.

@Ingo Volkhausen that's a great tip - to start with what's easy to use.

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@Owen_Pullam  Exciting to hear you're eager to start using the new search functions in Confluence and Jira. They enhance efficiency and make finding information much easier. 

@Oliver Spata  The keyword deduction feature is a great addition. It's amazing how AI can streamline our workflows by making information retrieval more intuitive. Can't wait to see how it helps improve your projects!

@Aaron Geister  It's fantastic to hear how AI in the Atlassian ecosystem accelerates your work and saves time daily. Live learning sessions definitely reinforce the value of these features.

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Thanks for your feedback, @Rakesh Choudhary ! I'm glad you found the lesson helpful. It's great to see how contextual references and templates can save time and effort in composing stories and issues. 

Great point, @John Funk ! Transforming questions into JQL is a fantastic feature that simplifies complex queries. While it's not perfect, it definitely helps with the bulky syntax. In the next iteration of the course I'll include tips for troubleshooting with prompt engineering. 

Absolutely, @Melo ! The content summarization feature is impressive. It streamlines information processing and enhances productivity. 

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Emmanuel.A July 3, 2024

i learned that jira does comments summary

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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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July 4, 2024

Thnaks for this amazing video...I will share it within my company.

Summarize comments is a very useful feature 

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Shone McGregor
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July 7, 2024

I really enjoyed this. My main interaction was Jira. I love the automation around summarizing tickets. This will be really valuable. Thank you.

I also can't wait until I get access to Confluence and can play around in there.

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Lucy Dilts July 9, 2024

Great info about the different levels/types of AI!

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Bethana J. Bemben
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July 9, 2024

I was unfamiliar with all of these tools. I could see the icons, but had never experimented with them. I was practicing throughout the presentation, and I cannot wait to use these to increase my productivity and the "tone" of reports submitted to me by my team. 

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Chrissy Clements
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July 9, 2024

We've been using it to translate descriptions and comments from our global team.

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Hans Polder
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July 10, 2024

I love the 'Shorten' function! I have used it quite a few times already, especially since by nature, my content tends to get quite long, without it being needed all the time.


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Rick May
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July 11, 2024

I love the summarize feature! 

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Glad to hear you found the Jira comment summary feature useful, @Emmanuel.A ! It's a major timesaver, catching people up to speed quickly. Thanks for sharing your feedback!

@Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_ The biggest complement someone can give is finding enough value in a video that they'd share it with others. Appreciate you spreading the word!

Thanks, @Shone McGregor ! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the course. Have fun exploring Confluence when you get access. Remember there are free plans, if you're just starting out and exploring features.

@Lucy Dilts ! I'm glad you found the info on AI levels and types helpful. I think I may add more of this to the July session to provide more context.

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Thank you for mentioning the icons @Bethana J. Bemben! As Atlassian makes enhancements, it will be fun to see new places these icons will begin to appear. Practicing throughout the presentation, gaining hand-on experience is one of the best ways to learn.

::Scream:: @Chrissy Clements with a background in linguistics I've been eagerly waiting for translations to come out of beta so I could ask what people think! Do you feel like the quality of the translation is improving knowledge sharing for global teams? or is a hit and miss?

@Hans Polder I have to admit, at times I ramble and the 'Shorten' function keeps me keep readability high. Glad to hear you find it useful too.

Welcome, @Rick May Summarize is definitely my most hit button these days. Happy to hear you love it.

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Chrissy Clements
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July 11, 2024

@Dr Valeri Colon _Connect Centric_It's improved heaps! When we first started using it, I translated a Japanese ticket into English, and it indicated that the creator of the card reported feeling lonely. While that kind of incident might tug at the heartstrings, it was certainly inaccurate. After all, who can feel sad with a slice of pizza in hand?  Yes, I work for Domino's - shameless plug 😉

Now, the translations are much more accurate, making it easier for us to provide follow-the-sun support instead of being limited to local time only.

As for knowledge sharing, we've been long-term users of a Confluence plugin called Lango, but with this advancement, we can probably look to retire it soon.

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Ncumisa Booi July 12, 2024

My favorite learning would be learning on how to use Confluence

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@Chrissy Clementsdefinitely makes everything better! I read a little about your use case in a recent LinkedIn post by Anu. Great to hear that the translations are working out well—bringing the team together. Doesn't it feel nice to turn off a plugin with more functionality being added to the ecosystem? Keep up the great work at Domino's!

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@Ncumisa Booi thanks for the insight. During the session we'll be having a breakout room to dive deeper into Confluence.

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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July 15, 2024

Comments summary will be a handy feature for many people!

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Graham Twine
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July 16, 2024

Looking forward to see how AI is stitched into Atlassian products going forward.

What can I do as an administrator to Add value when people are using things like Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket and Bamboo if this happens. To much going on in the Atlassian universe I feel like I am always in the dark.

Pretty awesome that I can group alerts in JSM and definitions in Confluence is pretty awesome

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Mario GELES July 17, 2024

I can't wait to see Rovo in action. It seems so nice

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Bibek Behera
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July 18, 2024

Automation for confluence!

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