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📚 Earn a new community kudos badge: ‘All About AI’

AI is the hotness around these internet parts and if you’re not already dialed in, it’s high time. We want you along for the ride so on we've created a sweet piece of flare for your community profile. 

Join the Live Learning hosted by Valeri Colon to get started with Atlassian Intelligence. Earn a community kudos badge by sharing a bit about what you’ve gleaned, what you’re excited about, or burning questions you’d like answered. 

Getting the badge is as easy as AI pie:

  1. Attend the June 20th live (or watch the recording at your convenience once we’ve posted it.)

  2. Come back to this post and share what you’ve learned, what use case you see for AI (professionally or personally), or ask questions that Valeri can engage on.

Then boom! You’ve earned the badge!

If this is the first time you've heard of live learning, do a search on the ACE community events for the Live Learning tag. There are also a ton of other virtual and in-person events coming up.





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Haunani Nakabara June 20, 2024

Learned about Comments summary in Jira.

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Becky Presgraves
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June 20, 2024

AI works better the more information you put into the system.  

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Mia Cramer
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June 20, 2024

Ability to summarize comments in Jira.

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Karl Hoeschen
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June 20, 2024

I hadn't yet thought of using AI to generate user stories in different formats. This is a quick and useful tip...that I may pair with the dictionary to make sure I'm choosing the right format. :D

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Amit Bhola June 20, 2024

Learned about How I can use summarize Comments using Atlassian AI. 

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June 20, 2024

I definitely can see ways to use AI to monitor project health and ensure that all necessary fields are being completed when creating new tasks/projects.

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George Fagaras June 20, 2024

I will use in Confluence and Jira to resume content, bring valuable functions to life, and easily define automation.

P_D_ Foerster
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June 20, 2024

Well, I've read about Atlassian Intelligence before. I like the summarize page in Confluence and summarise comments function in Jira. What is also interesting is the define function to get to know specific terms your own company or the customer's uses.

Robert Wen_ReleaseTEAM_
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June 20, 2024

What a session!

I learned possible uses for Atlassian Intelligence in testing and reviewing code.

Chris Tetzlaff June 20, 2024

@Karl Hoeschen  You can ask AI to create the Story, then suggest Acceptance Criteria, then suggest Tasks/subtasks. Though may not be complete lists, its easier to ID what else is needed vs. looking at a blank space! 

When applicable, you can tell it to put suggested subject into 2-3-4 column table. (i.e. "Suggest the story's Acceptance Criteria in a 3 column table.") 

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Rachel Wright
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June 20, 2024

Cautiously optimistic about how AI can help application administrators manage Jira! 

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Lance Robert
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June 20, 2024

Learned about the new automation features in Confluence and Jira.

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Here's a link to the session's recording.

@Haunani Nakabara summarizing tickets in Jira is one of my top 3 favorites AI features - with the ability to summarize the last 100 comments. Thanks for joining today!


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@Becky Presgraves the 'TV Dismantler' and principal technologist! Thank you for running the Developer break-out room. Absolutely, AI is only as good as the data its trained on. Atlassian Intelligence is a closed model -- the more goodness we put into our knowledge base, the better it will be.

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@Mia Cramer this is the second vote for Jira comment summaries. Its definitely a favorite. Have you tried AI on refining user stories yet? It makes the so clean- succinct and information rich.

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@Karl Hoeschen yes! @Hiren Patel mentioned this in his breakout session. Imagine adjusting your users stories with relevant details by audience in just a click! 

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@Amit Bhola 3rd vote for Jira ticket summaries. I felt like I zoomed through this feature. I may need to show it more love in July's session.

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@C_Denney  (Caleb) is this you?! If so, thank you for supporting the PM breakout room. I loved how we used AI search in Jira to find orphaned stories, which aligns with our institutional best practice. I look forward to our next session together. 

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@George Fagaras thank you for attending and bringing up automations! @Matt Reiner [K15t] has a course dedicated to automations in Confluence and @Brittany Joiner has one from Trello. Take a look you won't be disappointed. HUGE time savers.

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@P_D_ Foerster the define feature doesn't get enough love. Its simple but a clarification powerhouse in our acronym heavy environments.

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@Robert Wen_ReleaseTEAM_ you were in the developer breakout session?! We need more discussions around leveraging AI for testing and code review, TBD. Thanks for coming.

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@Chris Tetzlaff great protips! Thank you for sharing.

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@Rachel Wright we need to discuss AI + admins August 8th, 10:30-11:30 EST (save the date, I haven't posted the class yet). I've invited our developers/admins. There's a ton you can do but it takes some thoughtful design.

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@Lance Robert thank you for coming and for mentioning automation! Side note: I muddled my words when mentioning automation controls. System admins can grant access to automations system-wide. Space/project admins or creators can grant access to automations space/project-wide. But once enabled... have fun with automating your work away!

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Amanda Barber
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June 20, 2024

I think summarizing tickets, outside links, and Confluence pages are my favorite current uses of AI professionally. 

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