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When merged with Atlassian my original Trello account disappeared

Deleted user May 14, 2020

Help - I have been working in the free portion of Trello for a few years. Recently when I went  to log in to Trello it said "Board Not Found" and when it asked me to enter my email and password, it appears to have created a new account for me, with a new identity, and I can't find my old account.  Did switching to Atlassian blow out my old account?

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Paresh Vakhariya
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 18, 2020

Hi Jolie - 

Sorry about this. Can you please help me with few questions so I can investigate and see what happened?

Was your email you used with Atlassian same as what you had originally used with Trello? or this was a different email?

Thank you.

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