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Switch between Atlassian accounts

Tim Ruijters December 4, 2017
  • When I logout my PC automatically re-logins. I use LastPass as password manager and marked the option 'Disable AutoFill'.
  • I also tried to remove the password in Chrome. I went to chrome://settings/passwords and when I search on: 'id' or 'atlassian' or 'confluence' no entry shows up.
  • What can I do? In the current situation a clear my browsing history.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 4, 2017

The auto login is controlled by cookies. If you don't select the remember me box, the session should expire when you close your browser session. Here is a detailed guide to how it works:

From Confluence Cookies:

The JSESSIONID cookie is created by the application server and used for session tracking purposes. This cookie contains a random string and the cookie expires at the end of every session or when the browser is closed.
The 'remember me' cookie, seraph.confluence, is generated by Confluence when the user selects the Remember me check box on the login page.

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