Server Certificate changed now getting trusted url error

Rising Star
Rising Star
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June 18, 2013

Our MIS group changed the server SSL certificate onn production and we are now getting URL error in Trusted Connection with his URL:
Where does Wiki/Conflunce get the application ID in the URL. is it the certificate id in cache? If so how doe we clear it besides the browser?
We rebuilt the trusted connection in application links but still get system error. This was advised by support in another record.

Clearing browser ssl cache did not change the application id. What else needs to replace the application ID

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C_ Faysal
Rising Star
Rising Star
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June 20, 2013

agree with alex:

KP11 first off all you need to find out wich JRE your applications (confleunce, jira) are using.

by default boths bring their own JRE (i.e. sth like /opt/atlassian/jira/jre & /opt/atlassian/confluence/jre)

just simply run a "ps axf|egrep '(jira|confluence)'"

which will show you the complete cmd line how the apps are started including JAVA paths.

next you will need to import the new certificate i.e. like this:

keytool -import -alias <you name it> -file <path to certfile> -keystore /opt/atlassian/jira/jre/lib/security/cacerts

do the same for confluence and restart boths apps for changes to take effect.

i believe this should be it

HINT: i run 3 atlassian apps on one host so i configured all of them to use a centralized (own installation) JAVA version. so only one keystore needs to be updated incase of any certificate change

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Alex Perez
Rising Star
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June 20, 2013


cacerts, as far as I know, is a keytore that Java uses to store trusted certs (like the CA). One common solution is importing the SSL certificate that is using your server into the cacerts in the JDK used by confluence. This way, you are telling confluence that this certificate is 100% trusted.

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Alex Perez
Rising Star
Rising Star
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June 18, 2013

Can you check if you "client" app have the new server certificate imported into it's cacerts keystore?

Rising Star
Rising Star
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June 19, 2013

There are no certs in the Confluence or Java directories. CACERTS is in Java

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Atlassian Team
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June 18, 2013


Not sure if it will help in this case, but you could give it a try to re-initalize the keystore using the JSP mentioned in the following article:

Kind regards,


Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 18, 2013

The doc is for version 3.x we are on 4.3.3

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