Login with Google authentication only

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July 26, 2018

I have a new account. When I was trying to log in at the first time, the system did't offer me to set up a password. I can log in only through my google account. When I was trying to restore a password, the link doesn't come to the google-email. The SPAM folder is empty.

it's uncomfortable to log in only through Google.

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Claudiu Lionte
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 26, 2018

Hi, welcome to the Atlassian Community,

It looks like you have a G Suite integration with your Cloud site. 

When you enable G Suite integration you define an organization and that organization's email domain becomes claimed by Google. This means that all the users that have their email address in that specific domain can only log in with Google.

In other words, when G Suite integration is enabled, Google becomes the source of truth for that domain.


You can, of course, add users with email addresses in another domain. These users will not be prompted to login with Google.


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