read data from halp form using Slack API / Bolt

Maxwell Warren Cudlitz
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September 28, 2021

I am attempting to create a bot which interacts with Halp generated tickets in a triage queue.

I failed to see any way to make a custom integration or to make Halp directly send the form data to an external endpoint, so I am attempting to read form data from the message Halp sends in our triage channel. 

When I attempt to read this data from the message though, I see that the data is not directly in the message body or anywhere else.

the form will load in Slack after the 'expand' button is pressed, but I do not see a way to get this data through Bolt nor the Slack API.

In the message object, expanding attchments.actions, the data for the button can be accessed, but again, I do not see a way to call this button.

Any help on this topic would be appreciated, including if there is a way to create an integration that I have overlooked.


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Carlos Garcia Navarro
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March 6, 2022

Hi @Maxwell Warren Cudlitz ,

I'm not sure how to accomplish what you're asking, but if you're still looking into it, I'd recommend to ask in the Atlassian Developer Community:

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