How can I re-order the form fields in Slack for a connected (to Jira) queue?

Mark Koekemoer August 12, 2022

I have a queue connected to Jira. 

I have edited the Screen in Jira to have only the Fields I'd like the "Create" Screen to have. 

However when I invoke the form in Slack, the fields are not in the order specified in the Jira screen. 

How do I re-order the form fields that appear to the requester in Slack, when the queue is connected to a Jira Project?

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Andrew Homeyer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 22, 2022

We've improved this experience recently! Your fields and forms are kept in sync automatically, and the order of fields will match the order on the JSM Request form. 

Assist needs a few additional system level fields that we show at the top of every request: summary, assignee, requester, followers.

This experience only works for JSM; we're unable to maintain the order for Jira software projects.

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