📣 New in Beacon: investigation + remediation steps plus IP address info

Hi there!

Our team has made some updates to your Beacon alerts that will provide you with additional context and resources to better manage and respond to them. Let's take a closer look at what's new.


Alert details: investigation + remediation steps

Need help investigating and responding to Beacon alerts? Beacon now offers best practices for triaging and responding to each type of alert. If any action is necessary, we have provided links to where you can make updates accordingly.

Screenshot 2023-07-31 at 10.38.42 AM.png

Actor profile: IP address information

Now you can view recent user login locations directly on the actor profile screen! This feature is conveniently located on the left side under the actor profile details or within Beacon's new map view. If you need more information about a particular login, such as device used, IP address, browser, and login time, simply click on the map marker and expand it for additional details.

Screenshot 2023-07-31 at 10.43.57 AM.png


We’ll be sharing more updates here as they come.

Thoughts or questions? Feel free to drop them here; we’re always eager to hear feedback!

The Beacon team


Aaron Geister_Sentify
Community Leader
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August 7, 2023

This is really great add to Beacon. Thanks for the share and information.

I would really love to see and API cloud gateway monitoring option also for dev heavy environments so admins can make sure API's are not affecting the health of their cloud site. I have seen this happen many times.

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Carmen Odimba
August 7, 2023

Thanks for the update! The investigation steps hints are useful, especially if you're a new admin and I also checked whether the active sessions informations were correct. Everything on point.

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Andy Gladstone
Community Leader
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August 8, 2023

Has the IP address mapping update propagated to all instances yet? I don't yet see it under my actor profiles. 

Audrey Garcia
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 14, 2023

@Andy Gladstone The IP address mapping should be available for all instances. If you refresh, is this still information still not showing up for you? 

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Audrey Garcia
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 14, 2023

@Aaron Geister Do you mind sharing more details about what information you would expect to see for API cloud gateway monitoring? In what scenarios would you want to see an alert? Would it be helpful to have a page listing all API tokens and endpoints? Thank you for sharing, it's incredibly helpful and we really appreciate your feedback! 

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Aaron Geister_Sentify
Community Leader
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August 14, 2023

@Audrey Garcia

In beacon console it would be helpful to have the API gateway monitoring in its own sub category on the left side panel.

  • It would be great to see alerts where API's were reaching their max volume and possible information about that API call like header etc. ( I have had developers create apps that have it the threshold and cause the Cloud site to pause or go down for users)
  • Having a sub page of API and tokens generated might be helpful.

This seems like it would live or belong in beacon as this is an extension of the admin console in most cases.
Thank you for listening and considerations. 



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Andy Gladstone
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 14, 2023

@Audrey Garcia I am confirming that the IP address info is now live in my instance.

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