Recently I attempted to configure an integrations between LM and OG, then included JSM. I have the LM integration within my team in OG, and there are 4 incoming rules: Create, Close, Ack and Add note. As well as the 3 default outgoing rules with `send alert updates back to LM` enabled.
With this new alerts in LM do create an Alert in OG under my team.. so that's good. It's worth noting, notifications from OG are disabled as the entire purpose is to help create Incidents within JSM.
Next was the JSM integration.. it also has 4 incoming rules: `Create (disabled), Close, Ack and Add note`. Create is disabled because the way I understand it, that would allow alerts to be create in OG from Incidents.. we want the opposite of that. But JSM has to be able to close, ack and add notes to the OG alerts which in turn (hopefully) passes all of those functions to LM. (I added a custom Ack Alert rule: `else if assignee not is-empty Pending then ack alert`. Lastly on the Outgoing Rules, I enabled Send alert updates back to JSM, and also Create and Update issues with OG alerts created by other integrations.
Which is where the problem comes into play, Currently new LM alerts pass the custom http delivery correctly to OG and an OG alert is created. Then it's passed to JSM which creates the Incident. So all that's good.
From JSM:
A. If I Assign the Incident the alert in OG and LM is ACK'd correctly so YAY!
B. If I Add a note or comment to the Incident, nothing is passed to LM.
C. If I Resolve the Incident, the LM alert get's a new Note comment but the alert itself is not
From OG:
D. If I ACK the alert it is ACK'd in LM, nothing is sent to JSM.
E. if I unACK the alert in OG, nothing is sent to LM
A is good, and I think that's how C is supposed to work. B is not working like it should.
D and E should work as well if I understand the whole bi-directional part (and there are rules in the integrations for D.
Lastly, if I Resolve the incident in JSM the alert in OG is closed but never Assigned. The alert in LM get's a note saying it was closed.. but say that you get the alert and ticket and you work it.. you think it's fixed so you Resolve the ticket and are waiting on LM to clear the alert. What if you did not actually fix it? There is never a new alert in OG nor a new ticket in JSM. if teh alert is cleared in LM but re-occurs that's one thing.. everything is processed correctly because it's a new alert. But if it's never cleared from LM and the alert rules/escalation chains keep doing their alerting actions shouldnt OG receive a new alert.. or is it possible to re-open the previous one since it's the same alert id?