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How to get all issues of a certain project and then group those issues by Organizations

Enkhtaivan Ganbat
May 29, 2018

I'm trying to get all issues of our service desk project and group the result by Organizations. I'm trying to do it by running the below script on ScriptRunner console.

Map<String, Object> searchResult = get('/rest/api/2/search')
.queryString('jql', 'project = "ITZone Software Support"')
.queryString('fields', '*all,-comment')
.queryString('maxResults', '1000')

def issues = (List<Map<String, Object>>) searchResult.issues

issues.groupBy { issue ->
((Map<String, Map>) issue.fields).Organizations
}.collectEntries { Organizations, issueList ->
[(Organizations): issueList.size()]


The result I'm getting is:


What went wrong in my script?

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