Staphon Arnold, Content and Training Specialist at a household-name US animation studio, shares how Better Content Archiving for Confluence transformed their Confluence document management workflow and search capabilities.
This animation studio has used Confluence since version 1.0. They rely on Confluence for sharing and storing creative processes, new movie ideas, and internal documentation.
They accumulated hundreds of thousands of pages over the years. Their Confluence document management workflow strategy needed an automatic way to set page status in Confluence and archive into a "warm storage" while keeping everything accessible.
"We create a lot of documentation," Staphon says, "but technology changes rapidly, so we need a way to keep our Confluence space organized and accessible."
The studio thrives at the intersection of technology and creativity, constantly generating new documentation. However, this created a dilemma:
They needed a solution to streamline their Confluence document management workflow and preserve access to essential documentation without sacrificing searchability.
One of the major pain points Staphon's team faced was the inefficiency of the Confluence search feature. As the content repository grew, finding specific information became akin to searching for a needle in a haystack.
Staphon emphasized, "Better Content Archiving not only addressed the clutter but as an after effect cleared the search results. It made using Confluence a better experience for everyone."
Staphon explains their search for the perfect solution:
"We needed something that would allow us to clear out the old so that we don't have it in front of us all the time... but also still be able to access the old processes."
They quickly discovered Better Content Archiving for Confluence and haven't looked back.
Staphon highlights the immeasurable value they've gained:
Staphon shares their core content management philosophy:
"If you're not already using this app," he enthuses, "you definitely should. Better Content Archiving perfectly aligns with a "warm storage" approach that bridges the gap between readily accessible and deeply archived materials.
By implementing Better Content Archiving for Confluence, the leading animation studio successfully balanced the need for organization with the requirement for historical information access.
Better Content Archiving streamlined their Confluence document management workflow, improved search functionality, and ultimately empowered their creative team to focus on what they do best: bringing stories to life.
Levente Szabo _Midori_
Digital Marketing and Customer Success
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