An Effective Way of Managing Your Jira, Confluence and Service Management Users

For each person in your company that need to use Jira, Confluence or Service Management, you must create an individual user and grant the necessary access rights.

As time passes, the owner of the user,

  • may leave the company
  • may be assigned to another position or project within the company that requires different access rights

When an employee leaves the company, you need to deactivate this user and make sure that he/she cannot use your Jira and can’t access to any resource in your Jira anymore. There may not be just one user but a number of users, then you must deactivate them all.

When an employee is assigned to a different position or project, you need to grant new access rights to the user and/or revoke some of the user’s existing access rights.

There might also be cases where you’ve created the user but the user hasn’t logged in for a long time. In this case, you may choose to deactivate the user.

In addition to the cases above, as a part of user recertification process you need to periodically check your users' status and rights to make sure that product access is limited to those who still have a valid business purpose and they have access only to what they need. By doing this, you both increase your security and manage your cost more effectively.

If you have a high number of users, it will take a considerable amount of time to check each individual user’s last activity time and product access rights one by one. There are apps in the Atlassian Marketplace that provides solutions help you simplify this process. Manage Users for Jira Cloud is one of these marketplace solutions developed by our team, Bloompeak.

With Manage Users for Jira app, you will be able to do the following and manage your users more effectively.

  • List all users in a table view, search and sort them by name, active statusListAllUsers.png

  • Grant/revoke product access individually or in bulkGrantAccess.png

  • Deactivate/activate users individually or in bulkDeactivateUsers.png




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