Make the Agile Manifesto part of your brand and core values. If you haven't already, take the Agile course on Atlassian University to clearly understand how and why it works.
My advice would be to focus on delivering something which works and not aiming for perfection, get it out the door and into the hands of your users, you'll learn so much more in real life than any testing scenario.
Many of the things you think you know at the start of a project are likely to change as it progresses, be open to those changes and see them as positives to deliver a better product.
Don't beat people over the head with requirements and user stories and refuse to adapt, "this is what you asked for, this is what you got" doesn't help anyone, including you.
It seems to me that the most important decision is the definition of "done"... How good is "good enough"? Am I holding up the workflow by striving for perfection where this is not necessary?
If coming from a different background/tool use take the plunge with Agile and don't waste time or effort comparing or complaining of the differences. You will become a better team member faster with less stress.
When deciding which agile framework to use, Kanban or Scrum. Make sure it matches the product outcome you are looking for so you can use your teams time wisely.
I think this tool is very good to develop teamwork and fexibility and many other creative angle of views for one idea. It change the mindset in flexible and practical way.
You are looking to create something viable, not perfect. Have a plan but don't love your plan so deeply you aren't willing to change it. This mindset will ask you at times to be responsive to the environment & current customer asks.
Once you manage to learn all the terms used in Agile, you will be on your way to mastering the strategy. Perhaps it's something you have used before but has never structured it in the way Agile does; it is a process that guarantees better working program.
Just do one thing at a time, huge projects are so much simpler when you break them down into different stages and always communicate with each other before, during and after. Avoid multi-tasking and just do 1 thing at a time and you won't feel overloaded or under pressure, and you will enjoy the work you do much more. Houses aren't built by just one person, it takes a team.
Reforzar en el scrum team lo que es la adaptaciĂłn, la inspeccĂłn y transparencia, Full comunicaciĂłn entre el team y levantar la bandera a tiempo si estan atascados en algo.
El tema de la organizaciĂłn de prioridades es super importantes por que podemos tener un planing excelente pero a mitad del sprint surgen temas de productivo para atender y hay que atender! y tenemos que adaptarnos manteniendo el Goal del sprint en mente.
No siempre se logra el Goal, es romántica la idea que de que todo sale perfecto al final del sprint sin embargo aprendemos de cada uno, aprendemos del equipo y reforzamos lo que es ino no es scrum.
No se quede con un solo ibro o ua sola guĂa. Compartan en su team las mejores prácticas y refuerce el aprendizaje.
I believe that the first step is to internalize the four values of Agile. They will be the guidance through the path to becoming efficient and getting more done. Also, Making a habit to use the tools in agile whether its the scrum or Kanban board daily will help develop a routine and lead to expertise in the field. Finally, be open to new ideas, knowledge and change.
First and foremost thing is to be flexible and remain adaptable to absorb any given challenge and allow yourself and team members to think freely. once this mindset is understood keeping a customer orientation in mind, JIRA and AGILE practices will surely be their supporting tools to achieve their final goals.
I'd say that 'done is better than perfect'! As it'd be this person first experience with agile, it'd be important to understand the concept of MVP and using popular expressions or everyday situation might help at first!
Developing your agile mindset is beneficial for you - not only in your workplace, but in so many aspects of your personal life. Showing respect, communicating clearly, looking for ways to innovate, improving your skills, producing a deliverable (rather than a perfect result) and being flexible enough to change your plan will stand you in good stead - all around!
Prioritize building the right thing over shipping every thing. Some teams ignore user research and design and rush to market. Being "agile" is meaningless if you can't go back and fix a thing because you're constantly chasing the new thing to ship.
You should also be able to open any Jira ticket and know exactly what's going on. Learn how to write a proper story or task w/ requirements and acceptance criteria. Use the comments like it's religion.