The latest thread accepting new signups is here!
We are getting close to the end of our previous list, so it's time to open up sign-ups again! Please comment below with the date you would prefer and we will get you scheduled in.
Get in on the Friday Fun action and earn the Friday Funmaker badge by signing up below! (Don't forget to earn Fri-Yay! by participating, too.)
Friday, June 24: @Andy Gladstone
Friday, July 1: @Brant Schroeder
Friday, July 8: @Marina Bloom
Friday, July 15: @[deleted]
Friday, July 22: @Umer Sohail _K15t_
Friday, July 29: @Jimmy Seddon
Friday, August 5: @Craig Nodwell
Friday, August 12: @Paula Pokusa
Friday, August 19: @Okan Erdogan
Friday, August 26: @Stuart Capel - London
Friday, September 2: @vikram
Friday, September 9: @Bharathi
Friday, September 16: @Salma Sahnoun_Creativas_
Friday, September 23: @Valerie Knapp
Friday, September 30: @Summer Hogan
Friday, October 7: @Svenja Lorenzen
Friday, October 14: @Dániel Ballabás - catworkx
As soon as your turn comes around, you can use this link to create a Friday Fun discussion!
@Andy Gladstone Hi Andy! Thank you for kicking off the second half of the year! It is Friday in Sydney so you can start your thread anytime. Here is your link to start your topic and here are the latest topics for reference. And just for you, the Australia-themed photo of the day, Ruby Rose:
@Salma Sahnoun_Creativas_ I'm so excited to see what you come up with today for FRiday Fun! Here is your link to start your topic and here are the latest topics for reference
Hi @Saralie S. ,
I already submitted my Article for Friday Fun but its status is "in moderation".
Can you please change its status?
Thanks alot
I can do July 1
@Jimmy Seddon I can do July 1.
I want to take the Friday, July 15 please
I have already the subject but I can reveal it now or I need to wait until the date ?
Have a nice day !
@[deleted] you have July 15th. Let's not ruin the surprise and wait until the date!
Okay, thank you for the add on the list and your answer
@[deleted] just a gentle reminder that it is your week for Friday fun! The koala bears* at our Sydney HQ are waiting so you can start your thread anytime. Here is your link!
@Marina Bloom you got it!
Since there are a few open slots, I'll think about it a bit more. Don't know if I actually have the time :/
K, what do we have here ? Looks like greatness
Definitely and welcome! If you would like to claim a slot, there are still plenty left for the year! :D
It's officially Friday in Australia and it's time for our official Friday Fun! @Brant Schroeder You can start your thread at any time. Here is your link to start your topic and here are the latest topics for reference. And here is your Australian snack to get you started:
So when it will be my turn, will I have a ping too?
Yes! Everyone gets a ping :-D
Okay, with my jet lag, it will be in 1h03
@Jimmy Seddon I'll take Sept 30th.
@Jimmy Seddon or @Saralie S. - what time is the reminder sent the day before? What is the earliest I can put the post up for next Friday?
@Summer Hogan I would say feel free to post it anytime on Thursday and it should be close to Friday in Australia.
Great! Thanks @Jimmy Seddon! I'll get it ready today so I can focus on JiraCon tomorrow!
@Summer Hogan !! 😁 Here is your link to start your topic
@Marina Bloom it is your week for Friday Fun! Here is your link to start your topic and here are the latest topics for reference. And here is davey the quokka from sydney zoo:
Hi @Umer Sohail _K15t_ This is your reminder that it is time for your Friday Fun! Here is your link to start your topic and here are the latest topics for reference.
Hi I can take Friday August 5th.
Orange On A Stick Will Make Your Pants Want To Get Up And Dance!
@Craig Nodwell Sweet dance moves! it is your week for Friday Fun! Here is your link to start your topic and here are the latest topics for reference. I'm excited to see what you come up with!
Hi there, happy to take August 12 if that is still available!
Hi @Paula Pokusa It's officially friday in Australia and it is your week for Friday Fun! Here is your link to start your topic and here are the latest topics for reference. I'm excited to see what you come up with!
@Okan Erdogan It's officially Friday in Australia and it's time for our official Friday Fun! You can start your thread at any time. Here is your link to start your topic and here are the latest topics for reference. And here is your fairy bread to give you energy:
I would love to contribute. Is October 7th still available? ☺️
@Svenja Lorenzen Hip hip hooray! It's your turn for Fun Friday! Here is your link to start your topic and here are the latest topics!
I can take a turn if you like @Jimmy Seddon
26th August would work for me if that slot is still free :)
G'day @Stuart Capel - London 😄 This is your reminder that it is time for your Friday Fun! Here is your link to start your topic and here are the latest topics for reference.
thanks @Saralie S. - I thought it must be time!
Can I take up the September 9th slot? :)
Hello @Bharathi It's officially Friday in Sydney and it's time for our official Friday Fun! You can start your thread at any time. Here is your link to start your topic and here are the latest topics for reference. Have fun!
I want to take September --2nd slot
You got it! Thanks @vikram!
@vikram It's officially Friday in Sydney and it's time for our official Friday Fun! You can start your thread at any time.
Here is your link to start your topic and here are the latest topics for reference. And when I was in Australia I tried prawn pizza for the first time. I was skeptical but it was AMAZING. So here is a picture of a prawn pizza. I hope you find it inspirational. 😂
Please can I have September 23? Thanks!
Sure thing! Thank you for signing up!
@Valerie Knapp It's finally Friday in the AU. Fri-YAY! Here is your link to start your topic and here are the latest topics for reference. And as a bonus- two Australian Shepherd puppies, one for you and one for me!
Thanks @Saralie S. for the prompt. My post is up. Also, I love the little puppies, thanks so much. :)
Hi @Saralie / @Jimmy Seddon , even though I did a Friday fun, the community badge in my profile is still greyed out. Please can you help?
@Monique vdB is that one of those manually awarded badges? Thanks!
@Jimmy Seddon @Valerie Knapp That's weird. It's not a manual badge. Valeria, can you try clicking the "sign up" link under the badge, to ensure that the actions are being registered?
Hi @Saralie S. , I tried to click on the link but it's still greyed out -
It's not a big deal, just weird it didn't register
@Valerie Knapp It should appear now!
I can confirm it's there now. Thanks so much @Saralie S. !
Hi @Saralie S. ,
I am facing the same issue regarding the badge! Can you please look into that as well?
Thanks in advance!
Is Friday, October 14 still free? If so, I'm happy to step up or take any other date for the rest of the year.
Yep it's available and you got it!
@Dániel Ballabás - catworkx Woohoo! Way to finish out the list!
@Saralie S. Do you mean you want to move me to this week from the week after? I'm afraid that won't really work for tomorrow, as I'm on holiday at the Essen Spiel board game convention. :/
@Dániel Ballabás - catworkx No you're still good! Just got my weeks mixed up, sorry!
@Dániel Ballabás - catworkx This is your gentle reminder for Friday Fun! Here is your link to start your topic and here are the latest topics for reference.
Hello Everyone!
All of the dates on this signup have been claimed. If you would like to get a spot for an upcoming week, we are accepting signups over here:
Any additional requests for a spot here will no longer be accepted.
Thank you!
Willing to be part of this Friday Fun
Hi @Humashankar VJ,
This is an older sign up page. I'll give you the next available date on the current sign up page:
Which is March 22nd, 2024.