Can I report based on user properties?

Samuel Gatica _ServiceRocket_
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August 28, 2019

Can I have a report where i can see information of all users which contain user properties?

I found this post: 

But this groovy code for ScriptRunner, but is not working on Jira Cloud


import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.user.util.UserUtil
UserUtil userUtil = ComponentAccessor.getUserUtil()
def result = ""
// Get details for each user
userUtil.getUsers().findAll{it.isActive()}.each{ u ->
    result += + "," + u.displayName + "," + u.emailAddress + "," + + "<br/>"
// Use these three lines for all users rather than all active users
//userUtil.getUsers().findAll().each{ u ->
//    result += + "," + u.displayName + "," + u.emailAddress  + "," + + "<br/>"
// Return the results out to the script console in a comma seperated format which can be taken and pasted into another tool such as excel
def header ="Username" +"," + "Full Name" +"," + "Email" +"," + "User Properties Array"
def formatteresult = header +"<br/>" + result
return formatteresult


Here is error

org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
Script1.groovy: 9: expecting '}', found '-' @ line 9, column 52.
indAll{it.isActive()}.each{ u ->


Thanks in advance

1 answer

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Kristian Walker _Adaptavist_
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August 29, 2019

Hi Sam,

Thank you for your question.

Thank you for your question.

I can confirm that the reason that your code above will not work inside of ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud is due to the fact the code you have provided is fro ScriptRunner for Jira Server and this will not work as Atlassian only provide a rest API in Jira Cloud and do not provide a Java API in the cloud like they do in Jira Server.

You can see more detailed information on the differences between the cloud and server versions inside of our documentation page located here.

We would recommend reviewing the documentation for ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud which is located here along with the Jira Cloud Rest API Documentation in order to see how the REST API's work in Jira cloud.

I can also confirm that to report on users you would need to use the Get All users rest API but can confirm that Atlassian do not permit apps to use this resource meaning that you will be unable to use ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud to return all users and to report on them.

However I can confirm that you can get a list of all users by navigating to the URL of <JiraBaseURL>/rest/api/3/users/search in your web browser when logged in as a site admin user and you could take the information used from this page and use it for reporting purposes.

If this response has answered your question can you please mark it as accepted so that other users can see it is correct when searching for similar answers.



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