Bubble Chart is actually a really useful gadget. How is that the one with no alternative? What is there to maintain about it, anyway? It's worked for all these years.
Please provide an alternative for Heat Map! It's a great visual that shows what we do in real-time. Visuals like this have more impact than raw data/numbers. And best of all, I could click on an item in the Heat Map for more info.
We use these gadgets in approx. 200 customer dashboards. Besides that the offered alternatives are quite unuseable / not offering similiar results - is there a way of "bulk changing" the dashboards ?
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 10, 2024 edited
Thank you all for taking the time to share your comments and feedback on this change. These changes are not scheduled to be released for two months, in that time we will be working to understand your concerns more deeply. In the meantime, we would love to speak to you to better understand the value these features bring you and your business, specifically. Please schedule a zoom call with one of our product managers in the time zone that works best for you. AMER / EMEA link APAC link
Please note that our team will continue to support all other gadgets.
It's one thing to remove valuable tools that help cross team collaboration but it's another to state, in the same breath, that you do not have any viable alternatives to assist in this massive downgrade.
Just one example of the MANY issues laden throughout this "guide" - You show the use the use of the heatmap which shows you the heatmap of the status of items in a project and then you proceed to state that the alternative to this would be the Issues statistics gadget with "Status" filter applied but the screenshot utilized in your example only shows priority. How is this a useful alternative?
You outright state "We understand this isn’t ideal, and we want to assure you that we’re actively working on creating a better dashboard experience." but seem to lack the understanding that if you're going to sunset or remove features it's best to mayyyyyyybe have a better solution available FIRST and then sunset the old...idk, just a wild thought.
As others have stated, this will not and does not look good and I hope you reconsider these changes, Atlassian.
@Ella Hilton is there somewhere we can follow for any changes/updates to this planned change as your team discusses concerns with the community at large?
I would also say I agree with the sentiment here in the comments. Please think about your customers and consider the long term effect this kind of action has on trust and retention.
I need to provide executive slides and the Roadmap dashboard could easily be transferred to a slide. The roadmap quickly shows them how many issues have been completed and how many remain open.
Taking an image of the Road map within the project is not only unacceptable but not even comparable.
I am not sure what you future vision and hope to be wonderfully surprised, but based on seeing other highly requested enhancements that have been sitting out there for years or declined, it unfortunately shows that Atlassian is not concerned with making Jira more useful, but more expensive for little gain by the clients that use the product.
Please reconsider the removal of the Jira Roadmap gadget. This is one of the most important gadgets for our operation. We have been using it since we used Jira. It provides an overview of the releases in the pipeline. Without this, it will impact our operation. I would think it is unwise to remove a common and important gadget that is used by your customers without an alternative.
I have been searching and looking for an alternative. There is none available in JIRA.
Ao invés de terem o cliente no centro, beneficiando o mesmo com as features já existentes e novas, não. Escolhem ter a Atlassian no centro e os clientes que se virem.
"Ótima" estratégia! "Parabéns", Atlassian!
Instead of having the customer at the center, benefiting them with existing and new features, no. They choose to have Atlassian at the center and let the customers fend for themselves.
Honestly, this end of life announcement is a HUGE blow. The Project gadget is probably one of the most useful for us and as pointed out by others the alternative is not at all equivalent. The Issue Statistic gadget is simply useless for what we are trying to achieve.
I can only hope that you will back out of that one... this is a terrible news. We NEED the Project gadget!
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 10, 2024 edited
Thank you all for your feedback thus far. While we still plan on making these changes, we are pausing this deprecation while we re-evaluate our approach and timeline. Please stay tuned for an update next week (the week of October 14, 2024).
Why do you remove things which are already used by many customers ? if you find the alternatives better, it's your advice, but you should at least keep the old tools for people who use them !
For example, i use the heat map in my weekly report, as it's not too big and you can see information quickly, even if it's not the most beautiful heat map i've already seen. But now, with the alternative, i only see the 10 most used keywords, and not the 50 others !
I don't use yet the other removed tools, but i understand other people who use them !
Please put back the old tools, even if you find them ugly, they work and are used, that's all we need ...
I've just spent months convincing a client that they should be moving over to Jira because of the transparency if provides into their projects. A massive selling point of this was the Jira Roadmap, where they could easily see the progress of work against upcoming releases (in a one-stop-shop, along with other dashboard gadgets configured with info the executive board is interested in). The alternatives aren't available on the dashboard (which, realistically, is as far as any exec board is going to delve into any system). They haven't yet signed the paperwork and I imagine this is going to kill it in its tracks, given that no viable alternative is being suggested.
Were any users consulted? The "alternatives" do not offer any valuable and efficient information. As someone who is responsible for customer facing products, I always gather requirements from users. I also know better than to take away useful functionality.
I’m disappointed by the recent deprecations without offering a suitable alternative. The current options provided don't meet the needs of my team, and this abrupt change has disrupted our workflow. It's frustrating to lose key functionality without a clear or effective replacement, and I would urge the team to consider a more user-centered approach in future updates. I hope Atlassian will prioritize addressing these gaps as quickly as possible, as these changes have negatively impacted our experience with the product.
I don't agree with the choice to no longer make gadgets used in production available. Not making valid alternatives available without having to invest money and time looking for them independently is unprofessional
Unbelievable, the alternative for the "Roadmap Gadget" is not an alternative, but a use of new entire different module, that, must say, not resolved our problem.
I believe that what the Jira PMs didn't realize is that, besides names, the real use for most customers is a consolidate view of project releases, nothing related with timelines. What a shame
Our team uses Jira frequently and several team members frequently rely on their dashboards to access information, specifically the heat map's ability to pull all of their labels (they use quite a few).
In reviewing some of our team member's current dashboards which employ the Heat Map, there did not seem to be an ideal alternative gadget that could be used at this time. Based on Atlassian recommendations, the issue statistics gadget was added to the dashboard. However, this gadget does not present the information in a readable or easily accessible view (the gadget is quite long and difficult to scroll through to compare labels). Additionally, we tried adding a pie chart gadget, but this only presented the topmost often used labels and grouped the rest into an “other” category which was not functional for the team’s needs, requiring them to scroll through a long list. Furthermore, we tried adding the Filter counts gadget to the dashboard, with the intention that this may allow us to view the total number of items in a label, but it does not appear that it can be reconfigured this way. Additionally, in reviewing filters, if more than one label is selected, it will only show one unless the individual clicks on the +1 (another limitation of an alternative way to view the labels that are current represented using the Heat Map Gadget).
Our team also appreciates the information provided by the "Projects" gadget. We would greatly appreciate if additional information or additional alternatives could be provided to replace these gadgets soon to be discontinued, that allows our team to better view the information. Thank you.
Projects Gadget Replacement: We created an issue type we call a Project Header. It contains all of the attributes we use for our projects. We have one Project Header per project. We then created several filters for Project Headers based on different attributes and use the Filter Gadget to display them in our dashboard.
We still like the Projects Gadget, but this is a possible replacement for it, though it entails quite a bit of work. Jira needs more features from a project management standpoint so we don't have to do all this work ourselves. It would be nice to have this at the project level rather than using a Jira issue to track all of this. It would make reporting easier to have it at the project level.
I don't see a real option replacement for Dashboard view of all projects. We use this in our staff and Projects review meeting to review 8-10 different project area. Do we have other options?
Please do not remove the Heat Map gadget. There is no suitable alternative to this data visualization style in Jira. The Issue Statistics gadget is simply a long, unreadable list that only shows a maximum of 50 items at a time. The Heat Map provides an instant contextual, visual breakdown of items in a much more effective and smaller gadget and is not limited to 50 items. In every possible way, the Heat Map gadget is superior.