If you have Jira Align Enterprise Insights and want to create a report that with the Value Score that is displayed on the Value tab of Epics, you may have been left scratching your head on how to do ...
The behavior described in this document is foundational to Jira Align, hence it can be noticed in both Standard and Enterprise editions, and it can’t be altered. Objective This article describe...
In 2001, as the dot com bubble burst, a Proxicom executive called an urgent meeting. Standing on a desk in front of us, he said we needed to cut expenses, analysts cared about more than just revenue ...
In every Jira Align implementation, I’ve found myself sharing with the client an analogy that a Jira Align implementation is like a car. An implementation can seem like a car racing down the highway ...
If you have Jira Align Enterprise Insights, you probably have asked yourself at one point that: "Where is the table that contains that data for...?" Eventually, you may have figured out the table by ...
If you have Enterprise Insights, you may have asked yourself: "How do I get the same story records that match the Jira Align Story Grid view for a given program and program increment/quarter?"&...
...our Enterprise Insights database name (provided by Atlassian) in the Database field 7. Click on Advanced... 8. Set Encrypt = True to enable SSL encryption. Then click OK to return to C...
I’m asked regularly why some Jira Align implementations fail and others succeed. Here are some of the failure patterns I’ve seen over the years that should be considered by organizations of all sizes...
...s a public DNS record that Jira Align can use to connect to your Jira Data Center / API URL. Proxies & API Gateways Configure Jira server to run behind a NGINX reverse proxy | J...
Every firm developing software with multiple teams, let alone aspiring to full business agility, can benefit from Jira Align. The key factors as to whether you benefit from Jira Align are under execu...
For companies to realize Jira Align’s full value requires clarity and commitment on the part of the company and competence and experience implementing Jira Align by the partner you choose to use. How...
...ransformation feedback loop – The pinnacle of Align implementation is achieved by evolving through the previous levels while being led by an executive champion(s) and their team(s) committed to a true agile e...
Summary How to connect to Enterprise Insights using Python Environment Tested in: Jira Align Enterprise Insights Version(s): 10.108 Python v3.10 Solution You will need: ...
Enterprise Level Reports Metric Sheet The Metric Sheet is a configurable report that displays values and color-coded thresholds for metrics that are created and defined in the Metrics modul...
The behavior described in this document is foundational to Jira Align, hence it can be noticed in both Standard and Enterprise editions, and it can’t be altered, regardless of having an active Jira C...
Naming conventions are a powerful practice to make navigating and comprehending data easier. In this article I want to share where in Jira Align naming conventions can be useful and some common examp...
...n this article. Steps for Constructing a Dynamic Link Base URL Direct Link Structure [current_dw].[Site Metadata].[Server]/[Grid Name]Grid?FirstTime=True&[Object Type]ID=[Jira Align ID#] &n...
...ncrypt = True to enable SSL encryption 5. Click OK to return to Connection Details 3. On Connection Details, click Connect SQL Server Management Studio 1. Click on File > Connect O...
Our Client Portal now has the ability to more easily find Support Tickets closed as Atlassian Bugs. Please see below for more information: Prerequisite Notes: Users can use the Client P...
In order to demonstrate value with Jira Align and get a return on your investment (ROI) in 90 days, it’s not solely dependent on your ability to roll out Jira Align to your teams. It’s also dependent...
Few months back I had the opportunity to speak at an Agile event organised by a Fortune 500 Company. The talk was quite well received as it had plenty of real-life learnings based on various customer...
As you know, Jira Align has two types of users: Full and integrated. The basic information you know and get from our product page is as follow: Full users have access to all of Jira Ali...
The roadmap challenge for large scale agile enterprises Regardless of the agile framework you use, the agile enterprise has a massive scale with the challenge to connect hundreds of teams and thous...
Before integrating Jira with Jira Align, there are some best practices that should be considered. Some are a little more rigid than others; while others can lend themselves to some workarounds. Let's...
Before integrating Jira with Jira Align, there are some best practices that should be considered. Some are a little more rigid than others; while others can lend themselves to some workarounds. Let's...