Hi all, I'm trying to add a subversion repo like this : htttp://mehost.com/my/project/here , but it seens to crash on the auth part, can anyone have a simply tutorial or something like that who e...
I get the following error when trying to upload SVN patch: "Error adding patch: Urecognised diff format. Expected diff hunk descriptor but found "
I've noticed that the on-demand instance provides an SVN repository of its own. Is it possible for me to use my own externally hosted SVN repository and 'connect it' with the fisheye-crucible instanc...
Hello, I have installed the Jira DVCS Connection Plugin (v.1.0.3) and followed the instructons from here on how to link a github account. In my Manage DVCS Accounts (Administration > Plugins &...
I'm using the JIRA 5.1 bundled FishEye plugin. We have installed standalone FishEye fecru-2.7.15. We use Mercurial repositories. Unfortunately the chart LoC for Mercurial repositories is not s...
We've just switched one of our accounts over to a team account and are wondering what you're recommended workflow is for private repositories. I found this comment on the blog post announcing tea...
Hello, I would like to send an email to a group upon commiting. For example all developers should be informed that a new version has been commitet. I am unable to find that setting anywhere. ...
Hello. I've installed Atlassian Stash and set up Nginx in front with SSL. Stash runs great behind this proxy, but one problem I am having is that the clone URL is still using HTTP, and HTTP is stat...
I installed Stash on a Windows Server 2008 R2 according to the installation instructions and the server has been blue screening anywhere from one to five times a day since. When my system administra...
Hello! I was wondering if I should use the external Database for a productive environment. Or is the internal one sufficient? Thanks, Chris
Hello! Should I use a seperate user for running stash? And does installation mean "to copy the unziped file to some directory"? Thanks, Chris
I do not understand the release cycle terminology being used. I am interested in knowing when FishEye will support Subversion 1.7. I am guessing that 2.8.0-m1 is not a "supported" version of the ...
...I created private/public key (stored in ../user directocy/.ssh), added public key to stash user profile. I set up git on windows machine and tried to clone repo with http copied from stash repo p...
Is it possible to upload my own logo in place of the Bitbucket logo?
How can I know the repository path on linux? I choiced "/var/atlassian/stash/data/repositories" as repository root path. Then I created some projects and repositories. Now I want to edit hook scr...
We currently have a FishEye starter license, but have exceeded 10 committers, due to an artificial initial committer and our buildbot, which makes merge commits. Anyway, I would have bought the upgra...
Assuming .5M LOC and copious branches what sort of performance differences could you expect, in full or part, between svn and git? https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/FISHEYE/Subversion http...
I need some help/feedback on the ideal toolset for a new Git repository. We currently use Jira to track bugs and feature requests and it is the primary reason we are looking at the Atlassian offering...
We have previously been running Jira without Fisheye/Crucible and have recently added those products to our Atlassian stack. As I see the functionality of Fisheye, I'm beginning to wonder if there's...
I need to access the code repository in JIRA via SVN. I tried to access it from within Eclipse using Subclipse and the URL https://pangenx.jira.com/svn/OMG/trunk, but the repository did not accept my...
When I try the command $ git push origin I get the message "Everything up-to-date" but when I check my repository in Bitbucket I see the new verion of the code is not uploaded and there are no cahnge...
When I try to enable GIT on: -- CVS Modules:None (Change) -- I get denied: 'Administrator' does not have permission to access this page. I just created this ondemand instance. Please ...
Hi all, I have Jira and subversion integrated through from plugin atlassian-jira-subversion-plugin-0.10.7-distribution.zip When i click in tab Subversion Commit and choose the revision 29260 th...
It will be great to use this plugin for my JIRA https://studio.plugins.atlassian.com/wiki/display/SVN/Subversion+JIRA+plugin
Hi, We have a lot different customers and repositories. Is there a best practice on how to create projects and repositories in Stash? Is there any plans for creation of projects in a hi...
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