'Live Fields' is one of the most powerful features in Power Scripts™ for Jira. Imagine your Jira instance as a delicately built house of cards. You've labored over it, creating epics, stories and tasks and assigning tasks in a way which manifests in a towering monument of workflow glory. The last thing you want is for some well-meaning person (ie. your colleagues or boss) to go poking around, changing dates or other important fields ultimately causing your hard earned work to crumble in a heap.
Fortunately, Power Scripts Live Fields function is that protective fence you need to shield your property from catastrophic destruction (this might be a slight an exaggeration..)
Live Fields contains several routines for Simple Issue Language (SIL) used to manipulate your Jira instance's user interface including the standard and custom fields in Jira, the custom fields provided by our apps (eg. Power Custom Fields, Power Database Pro and more), and certain other graphic elements like buttons, tabs, and so on.
By using our Live Fields routines you can:
These routines help you ensure governance in your organization by making sure only certain users can edit certain things and prompting users with dialogue messages to enter complete and correct info when creating tickets and tasks.
It also helps by automating and streamlining the issue updating process. The actions that you can execute with live fields are also available on view, edit, create, and transitions screens.
Please note Live Fields can only be used in issue screens, (you cannot use Live fields for the administration pages of Jira, for instance).
Check out the resources below for a comprehensive walk through on how you can use Live Fields to edit your Jira interface and ensure process governance and a well constructed, hurricane proof Jira board.
Extra Resources:
Michele Lim [Cprime]
Product Marketing Manager
San Francisco
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