...hese parameters to make your own feeds. Include comments in feeds &feeds.replies=true Can I get more 20 posts per feed? Great question.. You definitely can! The default count to d...
Release notes for today, coming at you from me and @Tyler T: New: You can now turn off the email notifications that are sent when content you're watching is edited. They...
Let's talk about Tags There are over 16k tags on the Community. You can view the most popular tags here. To query posts by tags we can use the public Community API v2. The examples below only w...
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, with today's release notes from @Liam Campbell. New: We few, we nerdy few, we band of RSS users: we can now subscribe to a search term via ...
Super exciting, awesome release notes for today courtest of @Tyler T. Thanks, Tyler! New: Leaderboards! Collections with Q&A boards will display a leaderboard in the sidebar wh...
Hi all, The "collection view" on some of our collections appears to be not working, although the content is still there. This is affecting Sourcetree, Data Center, and the Feedback Forum. We're wor...
Hi all! Here is the latest round of community release notes, this time courtesy of our dev Tyler Tadej. Thanks, Tyler! Improved: When creating a new post from the homepage or from other page...
Bonus release note! After a change we made a few hours ago, global email delivery has been improved. AKA those who were not getting emails should now be getting emails. If you ar...
The team released another update today that has quite a few user-facing fixes, so I'm back with another set of release notes! The system will now save your sorting preference (by recency or ...
Hi all! We are working on a two-week sprint schedule and will be posting release notes after each sprint so you know what we've released and what we're still working on. This time around, we releas...
In April, Jay Simons talked with over 600 user group members in person and via live stream at user group events across North America. Below are the questions customers asked during the events, along ...
Hi all, The tl;dr version: The missing content has now been migrated to Atlassian Community. Yay! The longer version: You may have been following the many discussions about the developer-focu...
As part of the move to our new community, we took the opportunity to introduce some changes: Firstly, we separated our developer and user communities so as to be better able to tailor each commun...
For the latest on known issues and upcoming changes, check out our community release notes. Here are some of the major changes you will see from Atlassian Answers: There is no ability...