...ith their special awards. To make things fair, we have two categories: Champion and Rising Star. The Champion category is meant to honor our tried and true contributors who are part of the official C...
Hello, Community! We are frequently asked about the makings of a "good answer" on Community, so we're sharing out our Community Leaders guide to A+ answers with everyone. (If you're not familiar, o...
The admin is sure, you already noticed these little tags, you can (and should) add to your questions, discussions and articles here on our Community Platform. The main product and interes...
@Tyler T went on vacation. (Somehow, the community is still functioning.) But before he left, he did a couple of small releases -- and here are the release notes: Updated: The AUG promo...
Release notes courtesy of @Tyler T, and a special shoutout to Tyler, our designer@Test User KL, and @Scott Grieder for being instrumental in bringing our new homepage redesign to ...
We have another small release this week. Thanks once again to our intrepid developer, @Tyler T. New: Super-sized community -- As you may have noticed, the entire site is a bi...
Some users are experiencing issues trying to log into community. Per our developer @davidecorcoran: Teams are currently investigating an internal networking issue that is causing login attempt...
The first release note of 2018 is short and sweet, but some things never change -- this one is brought to you by @Tyler T: New: Community Showcase widget on Collections and Thread ...
Release notes courtesy of your favorite dev named Tyler,@Tyler T! Updated: Homepage and collection feeds now include more metrics 'like' likes, total comments, and views Updated: Collectio...
What's new on community these days? You're about to find out! Thanks to @Tyler T once again for the release notes: New: We've added an "Explore" dropdown menu in our header ...
Release notes courtesy of dev extraordinare @Tyler T: New: Minor homepage redesign for logged out users Updated: Email template updates General notification template will have th...
You may have already seen some of these features in action! But here are the official release notes, courtesy once again of @Tyler T: New: Recent items from your activity feed now ...
...emember, this is a public community. Have you already read some documentation, but that didn't help? Then please tell us. So we can avoid, pointing you again to that documentation and you might g...
The Atlassian Community features a global network of people who meet online and in-person with a shared mission to build relationships and expand their knowledge of Atlassian products. ...
“No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.” —Robin Williams Atlassian believes all teams have potential to do amazing things. The Atlassian Community is a team where we...
Release notes from your favorite dev and mine, @Tyler T, and associated silliness from your favorite community manager, me: Fixed: COMMUNITY-135 - "View your answer" links in e...
In addition to Philippe's exciting update yesterday, I have a few more brief release notes courtesy of @Tyler T and @Scott Grieder: New: Two pages that may be of interest to a...
For those who were able to join us at Summit, this is old news. But some of the rest of you might be interested to know that we awarded some lovely trophies to a few of your friends here. ...
Welcome to Atlassian Community -- we're happy you're here! 🚨 Note: the Kudos program is now open to join! Log in and click the "Kudos" button at the top right of the screen to join, and...
Release notes once again from your favorite dev and mine, @Tyler Tadej. Thanks Tyler! New: Community brand refresh (as announced here) --new Atlassian logo and fancy new product ic...
We’ve got exciting news to share today -- Atlassian has a new look! The Atlassian blog has all the details about this rebrand, and there are more details coming at and after Summit. Yo...
...rickey and others have reported a potential issue if a post contains an @ mention. If you run into this error or any other errors, please continue to report them in our public Jira! Please tell u...
Did you know that Atlassian Community has interest groups that you can watch and follow? We have groups to discuss agile methodology, our team playbook, past and future Summits, and more. And ...
Release notes from last week courtesy of @heyliam: New: RSS feeds for tag pages! Improved: The home page now shows more recent activity at one time. Improved: Some error m...
Hi all, As some users have already noticed, our editor is being restrictive about HTML and will often not allow HTML to be posted. This is compounded because the platform is not prov...