Created Feb 28, 2022, Last active today
I don't want to create swimlanes for each assignee and I've already color coded for assignees, but it would be nice to see their name in the PLAN section while I'm viewing sprints and backlogs. Even ...
Hi, is it possible to use estimate hours as column constraints in Kanban board? We want to be able to limit the "In Progress" column max hours, including total sub-task hours. In our GH 6.03, "Is...
Hi, Can we have multiple active sprint in the new greenhoper scrum layout ? In compagny we can have more than one team working on the same project so more than one active stream ! Any idea ? ...
Question asked during the August 30th, 2012 webinar titled "Improving Processes with Scrum and Kanban"
Question asked during the August 30th, 2012 webinar titled "Improving Processes with Scrum and Kanban"
Recommended Learning For You
Level up your skills with Atlassian learning
Learning Path
Apply agile practices
Transform how you manage your work with agile practices, including kanban and scrum frameworks.
Learning Path
Configure agile boards for Jira projects
Learn how to create and configure agile Jira boards so you can plan, prioritize, and estimate upcoming work.
Jira Essentials with Agile Mindset
Suitable for beginners, this live instructor-led full-day course will set up your whole team to understand how to use Jira with an agile methodology.
Question asked during the August 30th, 2012 webinar titled "Improving Processes with Scrum and Kanban"
...ot true (for dev instance). Is there some way how to see all email velocity templates ? or try it on one account, without enable mailing for all acounts ? Thanks
Following the upgrade of the GreenHopper - Agile project management for JIRA to 6.0.2, we no longer have the drop down list with all the rapid view that are available. This was very important to us ...
Hi, I am using git (at bitbucket) as a source code repository. Since I could not make the git jenkins plugin run, I have set up a shell skript (on Linux Ubuntu) that checks out my source code from...
Hi, We are using Greenhopper first time in our company. I would like to know how do I configure it? I tried it by reading your knowledge base articles but it did not work for me. Please help me w...
Hi All, I'm a system admin and I need to change the owner for a board (previous Rapid Boards) since the current owner is on leave. In the GreenHopper guide it says that the owner or an administra...
From today early in the morning we are experiencing problems accesing the Planning Board of one of our Agile GreenHopper projects. The other projects work; with slowness but they work. We've tried re...
hello, we recently had problems on server after which tasks in jira greenhopper, scrumview (The new layout version) are not all avalaible. something realy weird is going on, we can all see tasks ...
At the moment, the dates can be assigned only to the sprint we start (ie, current sprint). However, I would like to add the dates for all the Sprints to plan the release, how can I do that?
Is there a non-manual way to have swimlanes automatically created based on the versions assigned to tickets in a filter on a Kanban board? Is this an unusual request?
My team makes use of a Kanban style board to help pepare our stories before they go into our backlog. They Start out as New, move into a Defining stage, then a Estimating stage, all before ending u...
I created a sample sprint in GreenHopper 5.9's Rapid Board - only to find out after completing it (for screenshots for an internal-use manual) that I can't delete it. It would be... Rather bad to ha...
...he founder/CEO being the product owner), which is conducted as two-week sprints, each ending in a minor public release. The stories are pulled from the backlog of a major release, which is due q...
I am using Greenhopper 6.0.1 and I want to associate the stories I have created with an epic. Can someone tell me how I can do this? I am NOT using the classis mode. I am using what used to be call...
We need to create a burndown or cumulative flow chart on a dashboard. We can do this via the Greenhopper Agile Gadget, but the issue is that we would to chage the x axis and y axis to a custom field ...
Hi All, when I choose the Agile -> Task Board I notice that only 1 project is set and I cannot choose other projects anymore!!! Howver I did: I have 12 projects and ALL of them are configured to...
In On-demand JIRA, is there a way to remove "People", "Dates", "Agile", "Description" field grouping? Thank you!
Sometimes after we've started a sprint we realize we forgot to add a story, how do you add it once the sprint is started?
While doing planning sessions using Rapid Board what are some reasonable ways to make sure each person on the team has a decent enough amount of work for the length of the sprint? e.g. if you have...
I'm currently demo-ing Jira and Greenhopper and I'm expecting to see a few dropdown choices for Agile (planning board, rapid board, task board etc). I'm not seeing any of them. Instead I have to clic...
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