...s a power up that does this into a report that we can take to our weekly meetings, or we could create a new board for completed tasks with weekly lists and a rule that move all cards from the "done" l...
Hi All, currently we try to mirror and external data base ("IBM rational change" based) in Jira, for easy filtering and change statistics. For this reason we want to synch every week 1-2 times with ...
Bitbucket Pipes: weekly digest #35 Hi!, Released pipes: atlassian/serverless-deploy:0.1.0 This pipe deploys your Serverless framework application using AWS, Google Cloud Platform or M...
Bitbucket Pipes: weekly digest #34 Hi!, Updated pipes: cloudsmith-io/publish:0.2.0 This pipe publishes packages to your Cloudsmith repositories. - Added support for npm dist-tag. s...
Hi, Bitbucket Pipes: weekly digest #33 Updated pipes: atlassian/sftp-deploy:0.5.0 Deploy files using SFTP - Add variable PASSWORD as an alternative authentication method atlassian/aws-c...
Hi, Bitbucket Pipes: weekly digest #32 Updated pipes: atlassian/email-notify:0.3.4 Send email with a specific message - Internal maintenance: Fix issue. Update Readme atlassian/google-app-e...
Hi, Pleased to announce Bitbucket Pipes weekly digest. Bitbucket Pipes: weekly digest #31 New pipes: atlassian/bitbucket-upload-file:0.1.1 It deploys a file (build artifact, build report, e...
...xample, in the development group, there are 4 teams led by tech leads and these lead report to a dev manager. We'd like to have this weekly report sent to our distribution list showing which bugs are a...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Embed Calendars on Confluence Pages Ask your question here...
I want to have a chart/graph that shows me what work has yet to be completed for the following week and or what work was completed/yet to be finished from the previous week. I also want to see it bro...
Is there a plug in or template that i can use for Weekly Status Reports?
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